Your wifey say im lookin like a whole snack.

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I messed up. (Tom kaulitz)

"Y/n darling are you ready?" My boyfriend asked from the bottom of our stairs

I had moved in with him 3 years ago. We've been dating for 6 years. He's so sweet! He has long black hair and he's very skinny- corpse looking.

"Just a moment!" I yell back from our shared bedroom

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"Just a moment!" I yell back from our shared bedroom

I finished up my red lipstick in the small mirror on the wall then looked myself over

I finished up my red lipstick in the small mirror on the wall then looked myself over

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The dress

The dress

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The lip.

I step down the stairs my boyfriends jaw dropping

"You look amazing!" He says smiling. Until he looked down and frowned....

"Y/n. We've talked about this!!! You can't fucking wear converse with your dresses... it isn't flattering" he grouched.

I watched him exit the door not even waiting for me

I lock the door with a frown on my face, getting into his car he sighed

"I'm sorry for getting all mean like that but.... It's just- you know- I.... I don't like it when you do that" he finally got out driving up to the bar we usually went to for dates

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