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Word count: 1,599

1 month time skip...

The adoption case was now closed and you were as happy as can be. Gojo treated you like a princess, though since you were never used to someone giving you their attention or getting what you needed Sometimes you refused things gojo offered you.

"[Y/N]!!!!! Look what i got you on my way home." Gojo said as he walked through the front door. "Hm?" Looking up at him and seeing his stupid smile. He pulled out so many stuffed animals and sweets "do you like them??" Wiggling his eyebrows. You absolutely did but you couldnt accept so many things, you didnt want to trouble gojo by having him spend money on you

"are you sure?...this isn't too much for me."asking him "OF COURSE NOT SILLY after all you are my daughter now" and with that he had you in a bear hug squeezing the hell out of you. "I- can't-ughh- breathe" you managed to say turning purple. "OOPS sorry kid" with that he let you go. "In all seriousness kid your my daughter now, i promise to always be there for you. And to protect you with my life."

Later that evening you guys decided to go out and eat. While walking gojo ran into this man with dark hair and a scar on his lips. Gojo automatically put you behind him. And told you to stay back the man started to walk closer. "what the hell are you doing here" gojo said as he held you tight. "Ah just the man I've been looking for" both of them now staring at eachother

"HmWell would you look at that the rumors are true, you really adopted a kid" the man said while trying to look at you. "Get the hell away from her, you don't even have the right to look at her" gojo now sending the man a death glare. "Woah theres no need to get aggressive I'm just here to make sure you wont back down from our fight after adopting this kid." He said still trying to look at you.

"Hah when have i ever backed down from a fight especially one with you" gojo laughed "ill see you tomorrow then" with that the man starting to walk away. "umm gojo who was that?" tilting your head in confusion "oh him? His name is toji Fushiguro" humming in response you realized you pasted by your favorite restaurant "wait we past the restaurant" but he kept walking scared to let him know again you kept quiet and kept walking with him.

"Finally we're here" he sighed as you made your way into the restaurant you recognized. The employees knowing you've seen them before "hey gojo um aren't they from that other restaurant?" Confused wondering if they shut down."huh oh yeah they extended their business to a bigger building" sighing out of relief, you heard your name being called.

"[Y/n]!! [Y/n]!!" Looking up seeing the older woman calling you over. You let go of gojos hand and you made your way up to the counter, she asked if you would be eating the usual. Nodding in response she gave you a smile that always warmed your heart and skipped back to satoru.

"Wait so whos toji fishiguro?" Asking gojo "AHAHA FISHIGURO" he was laughing so hard he ended up on the floor crying "is that not his name?" Asking red as a tomato from embarrassment. He finally stopped laughing after 5 minutes, "it is you just pronounced it wrong kid" still laughing. His laughing was interrupted by the lady yelling out your name letting you know your food was ready.

You made your way towards a table while gojo went to get drinks but beofre sitting down you saw toji again. He seemed to be waiting for you. Of course you were scared of him but your heart is too kind, and you gave him the benefit of the doubt."oh hi" waving your hand "would you like some of my food?" He rolled his eyes and scoffed "as if, i dont need food from some ugly kid" he spat.

It had been a while since you've been called some name. It had upset you but since you didn't know what to do. You decided it was best for you to just sit there and wait for gojo to come back. Soon after gojo was making his way back when he noticed toji sitting with you. While you had your head down. His heart dropped wondering what he could've said or did to you. He was ready to kill him he didnt care if people were around, he didnt care if he didnt do anything to you.

He warned him to stay away from you. He walked up to the table and instantly grabbed you putting you behind him. "I told you to stay away from her you piece of shit"
"Oh relax im not here for her, im here for you" toji said standing up sighing. " turns out Im busy tomorrow so lets fight right now" You were confused but then again you didnt know anything. I mean you just met the guy and when you asked about him your question was ignored.

"Really right now? Im not fighting you here" fighting in public wasn't something gojo turned down but ever since he adopted you he's learned to calm down a bit. "If you're scared just say that, let's be honest i could easily kill you right now." toji said getting in gojos face
"Pftt dont make me laugh but fine since your all talk I'll shut you up."

They made their way outside both knowing it would be absolutely stupid to fight inside a restaurant. Fortunately for them the little restaurant was right across from a empty field. "Okay [y/n] i need you to stay back mkay?" He sighed and let you know everything was going to be okay. You nodded your head in response and decided to just sit down and play with the flowers around you.

An hour had pasted It was beautiful outside the sun was setting hitting you in the face. As you were enjoying the warmth of the sun you didnt realize that gojo was walking back to you. "HEY KID" he said as he crouched down. "wheres the other man?" You said looking around "yeahh about him" he cleared his throat "I killed him" your eyes widened confused "Was he a bad guy thats why you killed him?" Gojo could tell you were scared but he didn't any other way to put it.

"I guess you can say that, he hurt a lot of people" you started to calm down a bit as you were hugged by gojo. Little did you know you were in for a surprise. After asking gojo a million questions about toji you were satisfied knowing a bad guy was gone.

You guys started to make your way back to the restaurant now starving. To excited about eating you didnt care if your food was cold. Which gojo found disgusting he was looking at you as if you murdered someone. Thats when he dropped the big news on you "hey [y/n] do you want a sibling?" You never really thought about it. "It would be nice why Is your girlfriend having a baby?" Gojo shook his head

"No i don't have a girlfriend, but toji had a kid he abandoned and his mother recently died" you felt bad for the kid but you were sure that you would be the best sibling to them. "Oh so are they going to be my new sibling? Oh is it a boy or girl?" You were way to excited. And gojo was glad you took the news so well. "Its a boy and yes he's going to be your new so called sibling"

"Are you going to adopt him too?" Wanting to know if he would also have your last name. But gojo shook his head "no he wants to keep his last name but im now his legal guardian." And it was left at that, after eating you were extremely tired so much had happened today. Gojo had to carry you home before closing your eyes you had to ask one more question entering the house "when am i going to met him?" You asked rubbing you eyes "tomorrow kid now goodnight" he said tucking you in bed with kiki next to you

"Mkay goodnight dad" you said whispering but gojo managed to hear it. He was smiling so hard his cheeks were starting to hurt. Knowing he earned your trust so much within these 8 months that you considered him as your father was enough to make him cry on the spot.

OMG OKAY i knoww i havent update in a week and for that im sorry 😭 i went on a unexpected trip and i just got back also thank you to anyone that has tooken their time to read my book i love you fr fr 🙏🏻🤍 and i knowww i said Megumi was going to appear in this chapter but i have i get this out to anyone who has been waiting for it soo change of plans the next chapter will be Megumi and y/n bonding 🤭 and chapter 5 will starting up with them both being 14 instead of 13 i will also try to upload twice today.
thank you soo much and hopefully you enjoy this chapter🤍🤍

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