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                   WARNINGS: CURSING
                    Word count: 1637

December 15, 2017

It was snowing as you were driving to a school.

Called jujutsu high.

"Hey megs move your head i can't see out the window" trying to record the peaceful moment. "You're literally sitting right next to a window." Now crossing his arms starring at you. "Duh i know, but you have the better view or do you wanna switch spots?" He only scoffed and looked away.

"HEY! don't ignore me emo HELLO! I'm talk-"
Being cut off by the car suddenly braking really hard. And due to you trying to get a window video you didnt have your seat belt on. Causing you to slam against Megumi "DAD! What the hell!?" Trying to sit up right but failing because everything was spinning.

"Hehe oops I didn't think that was going to happen should've had your seat belt on." He shrugged. Groaning in pain you were finally able to sit up. "c'mon we're here" Megumi said holding out a helping hand. He felt bad because he heard how hard you hit his knee.

"Thanks megs" and with that you started walking but you definitely had to get checked by shoko. "Dad what are we even doing here?" Trying to catch up to him. Damn him and his long legs "we're here so both of you can take a tour since your going to be enrolling next year"

You continued to follow gojo around still holding on to Megumi for support. "Okay so here are the dorms they're separated, boys on one side girls on the other." He said opening the door to an empty one. "You guys will also have a student kitchen" walking over to show you guys. You could only stare in aw wondering how it was going to be next year.

"We can't we start this year?" Asking gojo "you could but the year has already started you'll be very behind." You weren't very happy with this answer but there was nothing you could do about it. "Relax [y/n] its already December we don't have wait that long" Megumi said.

Patting your head "Megumi what did i say about patting my head you act like you're taller then me." Smacking his hand away "that's cause I am." Trying to annoy you on purpose. "Yeah sure you're only TWO inches taller then me." Did it annoy you that he was taller by literally two inches? Yes, yes it did being 5'7 was already considered tall for a girl But you wanted to be taller.

You didnt care was other people thought. Your dream was to be tall and strong. "Anyways I was just called into an emergency meeting about 20 minutes ago so i have to go kids." He said hugging you.

"Alright dad be safe!" You said waving him goodbye. "Oh! Make sure you get your head checked out by shoko she's here!" Was the last thing he said before you couldn't see him anymore. "Alright megs lets go find shoko" beginning to walk around campus since she had her own building.

After about 20 minutes of going in circles you finally found her building. Entering you were hit by the smell of a hospital. Scrunching your nose in disgust you began calling out for her.

"Aunt! Hello are you here?" Looking around a little scared since there was flickering lights. And since Megumi sent you in by yourself you were cursing him out Mentally until. You were snapped back into reality.

When you heard a door squeaking open. Slowly turning around. You started to sweat thinking this is how you die like in movies. Only for shoko to poke out her head from it. "Oh [y/n]! I knew i heard your voice come in" walking in her office the smell of lavender and cigarettes mixed together hit you in the face.

"What brings you here? Are you hurt?" She asked with concern in her voice. "Uh kinda my dad slammed on the brakes really hard and i hit my head with Megumis knee." You explained to her. "That blindfolded idiot is going to get you killed one of these days." She sighed getting up. "C'mon follow me honey" getting up you followed her down the hall.

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