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Words count: 1616

The next morning,
you woke up excited to met your hoped to be new sibling. Then it hit you, you called gojo dad last night you and at this point you were an absolute mess trying to come up with an excuse but truth is you meant to say it. you were just too scared he would be disgusted by you.

Mentally preparing yourself for what's to come you made your way down stairs at the smell of bacon. You were nervous to let gojo see you so you hid around the corner. But gojo being gojo he was able to sense your presence and found you automatically. "Good morning kid" he said patting your head. You thought maybe he forgot about it.

You were wrong super wrong. "Oh good mor-" he didn't even let you finish your sentence. "Soooo you called me dad last night" he said in a teasing way your face flsuhed red of embarrassment.

You couldnt get words out frozen in place. Of course this didn't go unnoticed by gojo "hey kid look at me, I'm okay with the fact that you call me dad it makes me happy to know you trust me enough to consider me your father got that?"

Unknowingly tears started falling down your face, even you were confused. Maybe it was the fact you never got loved like this. "Aw man kid you're going to make me cry." He said pulling you into a bear hug.

It stayed like that for a couple minutes before you started smelling something burning "um i think somethings burning" gojos eyes widened in realization that he left the bacon on the stove.

He quickly got up and bolted toward the stove you followed behind laughing. At the fact he was dramatically crying over bacon "NOOO my poor bacon" he said falling on his knees.

You went up to him "its okay I can help you make pancakes instead." Giving him a soft smile. "Deal" and you guys started getting ready to make them. "Ouu can i pleaseee crack the eggs?"

Gojo obviously couldn't say no to you so here you were staring intensely at the eggs. You cracked the first egg without dropping a single egg shell. Then the other you cheered after the hard part was done.

It was gojos responsibility to do the rest. After about 15 minutes they were done and ready to eat with strawberries and whipped cream on top.

"Mm they smell yummy" you said staring at them with heart eyes. "Of course they do i made them" he said sitting down. And after waiting for him to take the first bite you began to eat. It really didn't take you long to finish eating.

But obviously gojo was done eating 10 minutes ago. Suddenly gojo was yelling saying you guys were late to pick the boy up. Scrambling around to hurry up the stairs your slippers betrayed you. Causing you to fall on the marble floor beneath you.

You didnt have time to process what happened even though it hurt really bad you just wanted to hurry and get ready. So you quickly got up and ran upstairs gojo already had your outfit picked out.

It was a red dress with short white socks that had ruffles at the top of them with black strap on shoes(picture cover are the shoes) . All you had to do was brush your teeth and hair. Gojo loved doing your hair it was something he was passionate about.

"Alright [y/n] hop up and put your head back." You stepped on the stool already knowing the drill. He started off by damping you hair and parting it down the middle. He then made low braids and finally added small red bows where the braids ended."There you are ready!" And with that you guys headed out the door.

"Are we there yet" you were tired of walking you were also cold considering it was fall. And you forgot your sweater "yes 5 more minutes"

he ended up having to pick you up because he could tell you were cold. After what felt like an hour you guys made it to a house and gojo knocked on it. And as if they knew who was there a boy walked out.

"Hey Megumi long time no see" gojo said looking down at the boy while holding your hand. Megumi only scoffed and turned to look at you. "Oh hi my name is [y/n] gojo its nice to meet you!" You said cheerfully.

Only for him to be cold towards you "Megumi Fushiguro" wow okay you were kinda hurt. "No need to be so cold Megumi" gojo said in a dramatic tone. "Yeah whatever" he started walking away "hey you can't just walk away" gojo said in a whining tone.

It was already 1 pm and you were getting hungry "hey gojo can we eat something" he turned to look at you surprised you actually spoke up about something that you wanted. "Sure is sushi okay?" Your eyes widened at the word sushi. You've never had it you only ever saw other people eating it.

"Um sure ive never had it"
Once those words came out your mouth gojo stopped right in his tracks. "WHAT" he yelled backing up a bit. "Oh my, well then sushi it is"

Thankfully there was a sushi shop around the corner. Once you all sat down you tried making conversation with Megumi. "So um how old are you?" He only stared at you blankly "4" he said in a bored tone. "Oh im 4 too!" Gojo was too busy flirting with the lady trying to get money off the food. Even though he had plenty of money Typical.

"So how do you know my dad?" Megumis eyes widened out of complete shock DAD?! did he hear that right your were his daughter!?

Of course when he heard your last name was gojo he simply thought you were a relative or something but not daughter. "Oh um my dad knew him since he was kid." He said awkwardly. "Wow that's so cool!"

Megumi didn't want to be rude and ask something out of line. But he couldn't help it. "How are you his daughter you look nothing like him." He said with a stern voice, of course you froze, you didn't really want to talk about the past.

But decided to tell him anyway. "Oh wel-" you managed to say before gojo interrupted you "well the food is here! Lets eat" you grabbed a pair of chopsticks and picked up a sushi roll.

And let me tell you it was the best thing you ever had. "OMG THIS IS SO GOOD" you started stuffing your face with it. Gojo had to stop you though making sure you didn't choke. Megumi on the other hand seem to be embarrassed to be seen with you. After about 20 minutes you all were done eating. You ended up falling into a food coma at the table so gojo had to carry you.

You guys were heading home and since you were still sleeping on gojo shoulder. Megumi took this chance to ask about you. "I know [y/n] isnt your biological daughter so what happened to her parents?" Looking at gojo waiting for him to answer. "It's a lot so lets just say [y/n]'s parents were pieces of shits so i took her in" Megumi wasn't really satisfied with his answer but hey at least it was something.

The rest of the way home was quiet. By the time you made it home it was already 5 pm. Gojo pulled out the keys and unlocked the door walking in he made his way to your room so he could lay you down.

Of course he tucked you in with kiki he knew better. He proceeded to show Megumi his room which was right across from yours. It was still pretty early so he decided to unpack a bit. He really didn't have anything only clothes, stuffed animals and shoes.

Gojo made sure of the rest. Time flew and by the time he was done color coding and organizing his stuff it was 9pm. You still weren't awake, all the walking and cold really took a strain on you. He wanted to talk to you so more waiting for you at the dinner table but.

Since you weren't awake he was stuck with gojo. "I would stop looking at the stairs she's not going to come down shes a heavy sleeper." Megumi could only sigh in defeat. "But its perfect now that i have you here i need to have a talk with you." In a serious tone Megumi was now interested in what gojo had to say. "About what?" He asked gojo

"[Y/n] be nice to her, i know she'll never replace your sister but try to act like you care she's never been treated right so tomorrow we're going to a fall festival." He said with a stern voice. All Megumi did was sigh and nod his head "fine" and it was left at that.

[A/N]- guys... im so sorry i have to change plans again. I dont want to make the chapters more then 1500 words just in case someone doesnt like them super long. So this time i promise chapter five will be the last background story and then we time skip. Almost thank you so much for voting and reading 🤍
I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Also please feel free to comment🤍
And if some spelling is wrong lmk so i can fix it

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