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Word count : 1303

October 3

That day had to be one of the best days of you life.

You were awakened by the sound of a loud crash. You quickly got up and ran downstairs to found out what is was. Only to find gojo under a pile of pots and pans and beside him was Megumi laughing at him. You quickly ran up to gojo to help him up.

"Oh my goodness are you okay?" You asked with concern. "At least you care about me, unlike someone." Starring at Megumi "hey! Its not my fault you fell for the prank" he said still laughing. You couldn't help but start laughing too. I mean the way he had fallen was too funny not to laugh.

"Great now you too" he said defeated. "Well when you're done laughing get ready we're going out m'kay?" After about 10 minutes you two were done laughing. You could've kept going but your stomach was starting to hurt. Making your way upstairs you found your outfit already placed out for you.

It was a orange dress with a white long sleeve that would go under. And the same shoes but this time orange short socks with ruffles at the top. Making your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth. You saw that gojo was already there waiting to do your hair. As you were brushing your teeth you wondered where you guys were going.

'Whre are we goith?" You asked with your month still filled with toothpaste. "There's a fall festival around here today" excited you finshed brushing your teeth and tilt your head back letting gojo. Know uou were ready to do your hair. Today he decided to put your hair into two pigtails with a orange butterfly clip on each side.

You were to busy daydreaming about how the day was going to go that you didn't realize gojo was done doing you hair. You made your way downstairs to eat breakfast since you still had time to spare.

You spotted Megumi also eating so you went up to him. "good morning!" You said cheerfully "morning" he responded before going back to eating his cereal. You grabbed a bowl and spoon and made your cereal. Sitting right across from Megumi. He decided to talk first this time "are you ready for today?" He said starring at you "yes, do you like my outfit?"

You got up and spun around so he can see your dress. You reminded him of his sister. "You look pretty" he said with a slight smile that was the first time he's smiled at you! "Thank you!" You said and sat back down to finish eating. You two started talking for the rest of the time. Until gojo made his way down. Saying its time to go. Thankfully the festival wasn't super crowded due to them announcing it last minute.

You saw there was stand with little Keychains and wanted to suprise Megumi with one. "Hey dad can i buy Megumi a keychain?" You had to ask of course. "Hm? Oh sure" with that he gave you some money and you made your way to the little stand, you started looking around until you found one with a fox and decided to get it.

So everytime he looks at it he would think of you. After paying you made your way back to them. Since you still had money left over you wanted to buy gojo something as well. So when you saw that gojo started flirting with some sales women you took the chance to drag Megumi away and tell him about your plan. "Hey gumi i want to buy my dad something but i don't know what." You said still dragging him away.

"What did I tell you about that nickname [y/n] and just buy him jewelry or something"
nodding you head you started looking around for a jewelry stand. but without even realizing you had walked too far from gojo. And you started panicking "wait we have to go back we walked too far." Trying to pull Megumi back.

"Relax i can see him from all the way over here, it'll be impossible to lose him." He said trying to calm you down "right, okay let's go" Megumi made sure to keep a tight grip on your hand. Not wanting to lose you. "Gumi! Look over there" you said trying to run only to get pulled back.

"Slow down! Its not going anywhere" looking around you found a bracelet that you could add charms to. And as you can guess you got a fox charm. Satisfied with your purchase you guys made your way back to gojo.

"Hey where have you been I've been looking everywhere!" He said sighing of relief. "Oh relax old man" Megumi said annoyed. You just stood there quietly until the sound of your stomach growling interrupted the boys argument. And the attention was now on you.

Your face flushed red of embarrassment. And it got even more red when gojo started laughing. "Let's go get you guys something to eat." Walking a little further down you guys stop at a ramen shop and decided it was a good option due to it being a little chilly outside. Once you guys were sat down and orders were taken you decided it was the perfect time to give out what you bought.

Starting with Megumi "gumi I bought you something to remind you of me when you're sad or something" pulling out the keychain of the fox. Handing it to him "it looks stupid" starring at it in his hand. "Oh well you don't have to keep it, you're right it's stupid" you said trying to take it back. "No I'll keep it thank you."

"And dad for you i got you this!" Handing him the bracelet "heres a charm so you can also think of me when you're sad!" Attaching the charm to the bracelet. "I love it thank you kid" he said with a checky smile. Soon after the food was served.

You didn't realize how hungry you were until you took the first bite of your food. Surprisingly you were the first one to finish your food. And once again falling into a food coma. "So Megumi when are you going to give her what you bought her?" Gojo said starring at Megumi

"w-what I don't know what you're talking about old man." he knew he had been caught. The way home was silent with gojo once again carrying you and Megumi just enjoying the silent walk. After getting home the first thing gojo did was put you in bed.

After 3 hours you woke up due to you being thirsty while getting up you realized it was around 12 am so you tired to be as quiet as possible. But before you could walk out the door.

On your desk there was a note and something next to it. The note read "you're always sleeping idiot so i wasn't able to give this to you when we got home." You smiled and picked up the box that sat at your desk opening it there was anecklace that had a little black heart in the middle. You put it on and swore you would never take it off.

[A/N] heyyy so i want to start of by saying thank you to everyone who has voted or added my book to their collection. Hopefully this chapter is good I wrote right before going to sleep. And i know its a little bit more shorter than the last two
But just a reminder next chapter will have a huge time skip to where both Megumi and y/n are 14
Okay well enjoy and I'll update later 💋🤍

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