Insecure (E.O)

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Requested by Lucastrans2006

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Y/N and Lizzie had both been together now for 6 months. Although they have yet to be intimate together. Y/N stayed over with Lizzie or vice versa.

Lizzie knew of how hard Y/N had it in high school, she remembered seeing the pictures of them with Scarlett when they were kids. They were shorter and chubbier back then. But she had also noticed that they had also spent as much time as they could in the gym.

But now they were dressed in shorts and a baggy hoodie while Lizzie wore a one piece with one of Y/N's white shirts.

"You look beautiful

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"You look beautiful." They told her as they kissed her cheek.

"Aren't you going to be too warm?" She asked them as she played with their hoodie strings.

"No." They smiled softly at her. "Come on, we don't want to keep your friends waiting." Y/N led the way to their car as Lizzie thought back to everytime she had tried to get them to take the next step. It always ended with Y/N heading to the bathroom and locking themselves inside.

Once they had arrived, they greeted the rest of the cast as they Y/N laid their towels down and placed the bag down beside them.

"Hey Y/N, were playing soccer if you want to join." Chris Evans asked them as they nodded. Kissing Lizzie's cheek before they scrambled to their feet. Joining the guys in a game.

"Aren't they going to be too warm?" Scarlett asked Lizzie as she applied suncream.

"Yeah." Lizzie whispered. "But they won't take it off." Her eyes never leaving Y/N as she watched them start to sweat. As an hour passed, she noticed their hoodie was drenched in sweat so she stood up and walked over to them. "Take it off." She told them sternly.

"What?" They whispered as the two walked away from everyone. Heading to a secluded area.

"The hoodie. Take it off." She told them. "You're going to kill yourself Y/N."

"You wouldn't understand Lizzie." They whispered as they squeezed their eyes shut. All of their insecurities from being a kid coming back to them.

"Try me." She told them softly. "I know about the surgery. Scarlett told me."

"She." Y/N started but Lizzie cut them off.

"I know she shouldn't have but we haven't even been intimate. You won't let me see you." Lizzie told them

"You see plenty of me." They told her as she shook her head no.

"You won't let me see you. I want you to be secure with me. Unashamed of your body." She told them softly, slowly lifting the hoodie herself. "I don't care about your figure, I love you for you. The person you are and what is inside of here." She rested a hand on their chest, feeling their heart beating fast.

"You love me?" They whispered as she just nodded.

"I do. I am in love with you Y/N and nothing will change that." Y/N just cupped her jaw and pressed their lips to hers in a soft kiss. "So take it off."

"But the scars?" They whispered as she shook her head with a smile.

"Wear them with pride." She told them as she started to lift their hoodie up.

"I am so in love with you Elizabeth." They whispered as they helped her take off their hoodie. Tensing when they felt her nails scratch their stomach.

"You best have good stamina with how much time you spend at the gym." She whispered as she looked up at them through her eyelashes, biting her bottom lip.

"I uh." They blushed as she tilted her head.

"You're a virgin?" She whispered as they nodded. Embarrassed to see her reaction. "I think that's amazing." She kissed their cheek, taking their hoodie from their grasp and leading them back over to the guys.

"I think Y/N has the better body." Elsa said as they all cheered. Y/N shuffled on their feet before heading back to the guys to finish their game.

"They look good." Scarlett smirked at Lizzie who's eyes never left Y/N. Watching as their muscles worked in their back as they moved with the ball.

"They do." She bit her lip as she watched the sweat drip down their chest. Their skin glistening.

"You do know they're a." Scarlett whispered.

"I do." Lizzie nodded with a soft smile. "Don't worry Scar, they're safe with me." Lizzie told her with a smile as she took a sip of her drink.

As the day went on, Y/N went home with Lizzie who couldn't keep her hands away from their abs.

"You are not allowed to wear a t-shirt in the house." Lizzie told them as they chuckled.

"So you don't think I'm too fat?" They asked her unsurely. She pushed them down on the bed and straddled their lap.

"I think you are extremely strong, amazing, kind and beautiful." Lizzie told them. "I love you for who you are inside Y/N. You could have a beer belly and I would still love you."

"Thank you." They whispered with tears in their eyes. She kissed them softly before she got back up. As much as she wants them to take her, she wants to do everything on their terms to make them comfortable.

"Let's shower." She held hand out for them which they happily took. As the two stood under the water, Lizzie seeing Y/N naked for the first time, she wrapped her arms around their taller frame. Resting her head on their chest as their arms held her around her waist.

"This is nice." They whispered, kissing the top of her head. Loving the skin contact. "Do you think we can sleep in our underwear tonight?" They asked her.

"Of course we can baby." She caressed their cheek as she gazed up into their eyes. She helped them wash their body, running her fingers of the scars from their top surgery before pressing kisses to them. "I'm proud of you Y/N." They kissed her softly before holding her tight, loving the closeness.


Two updates in one day. Wow. I hope you guys enjoyed this one.

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