Even UA Can't Deny A True Hero

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I have already wrote 5 more chapter and each will be updated at the scheduled date.
"Weirdest day of my life ever, I had to eat All Might's hair to get One For All, then got threatened by Katsuki, telling me not to participate in the exam. After the Sludge Villain Incident he had stopped bothering me but it looks like his inferiority complex awakened today again." Said Deku

After a Hour Izuku is standing in front the gate of UA for the exam but before he entered Katsuki brush past him saying. "So still participating despite my warning nerd? just stay out of my way".

As Katsuki entered UA, Deku sigh and then gave a slight smirk. "Out of your way? Sadly Katsuki I am the one who'll be always in your way, whenever you'll try to cross me I'll leave you in dust again." Thought Deku.

Deku went inside UA then suddenly a idea came to his mind. "Let's see who here has heroic tendency"?

He purposely tripped over his feet to see who'll come to help him and before he hit the ground he started floating in the air, "That's it, exactly as I planned". Deku got thrilled.

Then he shifted with Izuku so Izuku could act like himself, which would help Deku ti maintain Izuku's personality till the right time comes.

"Aaah I am floating." Izuku started to get panicked. That person who saved him touched him again deactivated the Quick.

When Izuku moved his head behind he saw a girl of his age with chestnut color hair and matching color eyes. She has a round face with big round eyes and has perpetual pink blush on her cheeks.

"Sorry for going crazy with my Quirk there," Said the girl. "I thought it would be a bad omen if you tripped you know," The girl went ahead after saying Izuku a Good Luck.

Deku comes out again, "So here goes the first person we got, she's a hero at heart and would be a perfect ally". said Deku.

All of the students went inside the academy's giant hall where a loud guy introduced everyone to the exam and that guy was none other than the Voice-Type Hero: Present Mic.

While Mic was explaining the rule Izuku kept mumbling in excitement and out of nowhere a tall boy around Midoriya's age intervened without letting Mic continue his explanation.

(You know what bullshit he talks, I'll use Deku to humble that annoying four eyes just once the story reaches Sports Festival).

Then he started scolding Izuku that, "Can't you sit still for a second? you are distracting. If you think UA is some pleasure jaunt then leave this place at once".

Deku in his mind "That Ass what the hell does he think he is? How dare he insult us? You are lucky that you are a UA Test Taker otherwise you wouldn't be able to even figure out what hit you".

Present Mic completed his explanation that the 4th one is just a 0 pointer and if they want they can ignore it.

Deku got confused that if they can avoid it then why they are using the 0 pointer for the exam? Then all of the sudden it clicked into him that there's probably a hidden meaning behind and finally he was able to gasp what it is.

All the students have reached the exam area, Deku saw the same girl who saved him when he tripped (intentional)

"I am going to thank her for earlier", said Deku. "Her Quirk seems useful so she's definitely passing the exam." As Midoriya was about to step forward towards her a voice stopped him.

That voice is of that boy from earlier who scolded him, "I see what you are upto, you're planning to measure that girl's power of concentration", That boy placed his hand on Midoriya's shoulder, "Who exactly are you my friend? You didn't come to obstruct your fellow test takers, do you?"

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