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I guess Im in mustang cabine. I wonder who my councilor and my bunk mate are? Well I guess I should get settled. I see this girl with curly blond hair walk in and then this other girl with short dark brown hair walk in.

Me and winnie walk in and I see my other camper y/n. Hi y/n I'm your councilor destiny and this is your bunk mate winnie. Hi how are y'all. y/n says, I'm good. Winnie says. Well we should get settled and then go to the mess hall for lunch. Ok. Winnie and y/n says.

Me, y/n, and destiny get settled in and then we started going to the mess hall and run into the boys. Hey guys. Hey. The boys say. We talked for a bit then continued going to the mess hall.

We finally got to the mess hall after talking with the boys theyre really cool. Then I saw the food and asked destiny if she knows what it is. She said it's something called the mound of brown. That doesn't sound good... I say. Does it taste good? Winnie asked. No it doesn't... Destiny says. Me and Winnie look at each other then went to go grab some of the food and sit down at the a table with destiny then Lou the camp director came.

I walk into the mess hall to tell the campers about arts and crafts later. Hey campers. We're having arts and crafts after lunch.

I walk into the mess hall after hearing lou saying something about arts and crafts later. Hey y'all! So I'm the activity's director. We are going to have so much fun this summer!

After lunch me, Winnie, and destiny start going to arts and crafts. Once we got there me and destiny made cabine T-shirt and winnie made a parashirt she said it's a parachute made out of shirts. So I asked her what she was going to do with it use it for and she said she wanted to jump off of something high. I looked at her with a concerned look on my face and asked why she wanted to do that. She said she just likes to do stuff like that. I looked at her with a "what in the world" look on my face. Winnie why don't you make a cabine T-shirt with me and destiny? I asked. I don't know... Winnie says. I mean I really like what you did I was just curious...sorry if I made you sad... y/n says.

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Hey guys so this is the first part of the story please tell me if you like it or not I tried so hard since this is my first ever book...but anyways I love yall and hope yall have a good day evening or night and I'll try and post the other chapter tomorrow.

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