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Winnie why don't you make a cabine T-shirt with me and destiny? I asked. I don't know... Winnie says. I mean I really like what you did I was just curious...sorry if I made you sad... y/n says.

It's ok y/n I'm not sad. But y/n want to go parashirting with me!? I say. Sure! Y/n says. Me and y/n run outside and Destiny runs after us. Y/N AND WINNIE GET BACK HERE! Destiny shouts. We keep running.
youll never catch us! Me and y/n shout.
We keep running till we run into Lou.

Wow girls where are y'all going? I ask. Ummmm no where... Y/n and winnie say. You sure cause it's looks like y'all are going to get into trouble? I say. No we aren't. Winnie and y/n say. Then I see destiny come running.

Finally I got you two lets go. I see lou. Oh hey lou... I say. Lou looks at me. I promise Lou I didnt mean for them to run off. Winnie and y/n look at each other kinda scared that they might be in trouble.

Just don't let them run away again. I say. I won't. Destiny say. Me and destiny see Winnie and y/n try seeking off. Don't even try girls. I say.

We weren't going anywhere... Me and Winnie say. Sure. Destiny says. Can we go now pls destiny? Me and Winnie ask. Fine but go back to the camp pls. Destiny says. We will. Me and Winnie say. Me and Winnie start running back to the camp and run into Jake and bill. Hey guys. We say. Hey. Bill and Jake say. Y'all guys want to go to the lake? Me and Winnie ask. Sure. Jake and bill say. We run to our cabins and change into our swim suits then head down to the lake.


Word count: 333
Hey guys sorry for not posting this part kinda forgot about the story but anyway how are y'all hope y'all are good. Love y'all guys have a good day/evening/night see y'all later

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