Lake time!

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Hey sorry I haven't posted to this story in a while but I've just been kinda busy with school and stuff plus this week I have a lot of test so I'm not sure if I'm going to post for this story after this but anyways let's get into the story.

Me and y/n finish changing grab our towles and run down to the lake when we see Jake playing in the water and bill just sitting there watching Jake play. Hey guys sorry we took long. Me and y/n said. It's ok we just got here like a few minutes ago. Bill said. Me and y/n hop in the lake and played with jake after we talked to bill for a bit.

A few hours later.

After a few hours of sitting watching Jake winnie and y/n play in the lake I got up and went back to camp to grab us some snacks but when I got back to the lake winnie and y/n where getting out. Hey I got snacks. I said. Cool! Winnie, Jake, and y/n said. The finished drying off and ate there snacks while Jake stayed in the lake to play for a little longer. Hey bill me and Winnie are going back to our cabins. Y/n said. Ok we'll see y'all later. I said.

Me and winnie went back to our cabin and changed into our pj's and waited for destiny so we could go to the messhall for dinner. Destiny hurry up! We got to go! I said. Let's just go y/n. Winnie said. Ok I guess... I said. Me and Winnie walked out of our cabin and she grabbed my hand luckily it was dark and she couldn't see me blushing. Then we got to messhall ate real quick then Winnie took me to the barn. Hey Winnie why are we here? I asked. I don't know I just didnt really want to be around everyone I guess. She said. Well then what should we do? I asked. Play truth or dare! She said. Ok sound good. I said...


WC: 364

Hey guys again sorry I haven't posted for this book I've just been really stressed about school and shit and I also kinda forgot about this book lol but anyways hope y'all have a amazing morning/evening/night love y'all❤️
Also what ships should be in this book we already have Winnie x y/n but are there any other ships you want to see?

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