Feelings? Part 2

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What's going on? I ask the girls as they just stand there in the barn. Nothing! They said in unison. Ok then let's go it's midnight! I say waiting for them. Ok. They say again in unison. As we start walking back to the cabin I see Lou come out of nowhere.

I see outside as me and Parker are talking so I leave the mess hall to see what she's doing. Hey destiny and...Y/n and Winnie....what are y'all doing out this late? I ask as they look at me. Oh nothing just out for a midnight walk right girls... destiny says as she looks at Winnie and y/n. Yea! The girls say in unison. Ok but just get back to y'all's cabin it's late. I say.

(SHORT AF 3rd person POV)
Ok! They all say in unison and then run back to they're cabin.

Y'all girls shouldn't be going out at night alone without telling me where y'all are going! I said kinda pissed off. We know but we just didn't want to wake you up plus all we did was go to the barn and play truth or dare. Winnie said a little sad. Look I know y'all want to spend more time together but just tell me next time pls...that's all I'm asking. I said. Ok... Winnie and y/n said. Now let's go to sleep. I said.

~Time skip~

(In the morning)

I woke very tired from last night. I then got up to go get ready and finished right before the others could wake up. Morning guys. I say still a little tired. Morning. Destiny and Winnie say while yawning.

That's where I'm gunna end it sorry..but just wanted to say love y'all♡ also this was meant to be published in December of 2023 so yea... I'm very sorry😭

WC: 324

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