Feelings? Part 1

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Truth or dare? I asked. Truth! Winnie said. Ummm tell me your crush! I say getting excited. Umm...Oh shoot it's getting late we should get back to the cabin! Winnie said. I was confused and kinda sad she didn't tell me her crush...

I run out of the barn and to the cabin y/n didn't follow and I didn't notice till I looked behind me and she wasn't there. Shoot I just left y/n alone...I should go back and get her. I start walking back to the barn when I see y/n walking out of the barn looking sad I run up to her. Hey you ok y/n? I asked.

I was waiting for Winnie and y/n to come back from where ever they where when I saw Winnie but then she ran off to the barn so i ran out of the cabin and ran after her, then I see her talking to y/n who looks sad. Winnie y/n what's going on? I asked. They turned to me kinda scared.

I saw Winnie coming back to the barn and I tried to look ok but I guess it didn't work. Hey you ok y/n? Winnie asked. Uh yea im ok. I said. Then we hear destiny. Winnie y/n what's going on? Destiny asked. We look at her and I guess she saw us just standing there. Nothing! We said in unison.


Hey guys so here's the next part but I might take a break from this only because I'm not in the best mental state rn so when it does get better I'll post the next chapter. But hope y'all understand and I love y'all. Byeeeeee!

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