𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 20: 𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒹ℯ𝒶𝓁

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"Ah! That was fun.", Kayden said as he stretched his body on the floor.

"I know right? Wish I could fight like that longer.", Aiza said and punched the air.

"What should we do now? I think it's going to get a little noisy...", Jiwoo said worriedly.

"It can't be helped. Things already started to get noisy when you beat Duke Grane. Besides, this country would be kept in check for plenty of other reasons... It's quite a fuss.", Kayden let out a sigh.

"The professors will start to wonder how you get that kind of powers with that body. Well, they might find some explanation for Kayden since Jiwoo uses electrokinesis but yours is different Aiza. It's very uncommon for animals to do mind control.", Kartein said seriously while crouching himself to fit his body in the box.

"Ey! You don't have to worry about that.", Aiza reassured. She started to laugh evilly as she remembered controlling Cain's mind after the match.

'When you recover, tell the professors you haven't slept a wink and now you were tired that you slept in the middle of your match.', she chanted to the mind of unconscious Cain as she stepped on his forehead and pretended to sniff his face so the professors won't be more suspicious of her.

Aiza laughed harder and made the three boys look at her more confused.

"Hey, Kayden! Let's spar with our body right now.", Aiza said excitingly.

"Sounds interesting. Alright, I'm on!", Kayden replied with a big smile on his face.

Meanwhile, Kartein let out a big sigh and talked.

"You two are so obsessed with fighting... You should be working on how to get back to your original form. But instead, you guys are studying how to fight with that bodies.", Kartein complained.

"What's wrong with that? You're even studying how to use your healing ability as a cat.", Aiza replied.

" Yeah but...", Kartein wanted to ask them how they become powerful in their animal forms but he chose to be silent because he was embarrassed to ask. He hates to admit it but he is actually quite jealous of both of them for being able to fight like that in their animal forms.

Suddenly, Jiwoo's doorbell rings. Jiwoo stood up to open the door but the door suddenly opened and the friends of Jiwoo entered.

"Jiwoo, is it really true that you beat Cain Luterain with your cat and mouse?", Subin asked as she walked toward Jiwoo. Behind her is Jisuk, who kept on staring at the animals, and Wooin, who kept on munching his chips.

"It was more of a fight between the animals we communed with... than a fight between awakened ones.", Jiwoo replied.

"Still, you went against Cain Luterain. I heard he even came with the Luterain Family's mystical creature.", Subin replied while looking at Jiwoo with bright eyes.

"There's nothing to be surprised about.", Jisuk sighed.

"A mystical creature is no match for that dumb-looking mouse and that fat cat-", Jisuk stopped talking when he saw the fat cat giving him a death glare while munching his snacks. He started to feel more nervous when he also saw the mouse giving him a death glare.

'What was that? Dumb-looking mouse? Me? Watch your tongue Shinhwa boy!', Aiza pointed her index finger to Jisuk, which made Jisuk flinch. She then raised her thumb and acted like she was slicing her neck, telling Jisuk a message that if he keeps on calling her like that, she'll slice his neck. Jisuk lost balance after he saw what Aiza did.

'Crap! I take that back.', he thought as he looked at the animals while trembling. He suddenly had a flash of memories of the night the fat cat threatened him. He also started to feel shudder into thinking the mouse and the other cat of Jiwoo are more powerful and scary than the fat cat.

𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫《𝙴𝙻𝙴𝙲𝙴𝙴𝙳》Where stories live. Discover now