Change - Part 3

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Y/n Y/l/n - 24 years old - 5'7

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Y/n Y/l/n - 24 years old - 5'7


Hey, I don't know if that's such a good idea Y/n...

I let out a huff, leaning back onto the sofa as my heart sinks.

Well I do, I really want you there.

Show her


„I'm sure she's gonna come, now would you please stop being rude to our guests." I hear behind me, Zen's voice laced with a bit of annoyance.

I turn around and see her smirk down at me, making my shoulders slump down.

„Shit sorry, I'm just a bit stressed."

„A bit?" She asks motioning towards my nails and ripped napkins.

I let out an embarassed laugh, noticing only now how obvious I was showing my emotions.

„Sorry, I-„

„Stop apologising Y/n and come join us, your nephew has been waiting for hours for you to play with him and his friends." Guilt washes over me at the thought of my subconscious ignorance towards my nephew.

„Yes of course." I say, quickly standing up and following Zen towards my family.

„Well look who decided to join us-„ My brother jokes, earning a light punch from Zen.

My protector

„Sorry, I was spacing out there." I explain, chuckling lightly as I scratch my neck „Now where is my nephew?"

„HERE" I hear him scream, followed by a weight on my shoulder which nearly makes me fall onto the small table infront of them.

„Oufff" I groan because of the impact, my nephew still holding onto me.

„Scott you can't just jump onto people." Zen says sternly, his parents both looking at him with arched eyebrows. He quickly agologises to me but I shake it off and start walking him towards his friends.

After a few hours more people start to come, the place overcrowded as Zen announces dinner being served.

At this point I have given up, Lani is not someone that comes late - never ever, which means she isn't coming and that it's time for me to move on.

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