Late night FaceTime - Ariana Grande

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03:00 AM

"Hey baby, you awake?" Ariana asks excited.
I smile softly, continuing to act like I'm sleeping.

"Okay let's try this- Ugh I hate technology." Ariana whispers frustrated which makes me silently snicker but quickly stop.

As soon as I hear the  FaceTime-end sound, I quickly put my headset on and yell-

"Okay boys i'm back!"

"Y/N WHAT THE FUCK, I can't fucking believe you! Do you do this everytime we face time?- Huh, are you gonna answer my question?" 
Ariana yells without giving me a chance to answer. "I- I uh I'm so-" I try answering,

„I hate you, I thought you were serious about us" her voice breaking, at the end of the sentence.

I know she's being over dramatic, but she always lectures me regarding my gaming with the boys.
The thing is-

I knew about her hang up prank because Franke let it slip, it was his idea.

"Wait Ari don't hang-" I start but she already hung up. I chuckle and slowly put on my sweats, I go to my car getting ready to drive to Ari's house, which is only about 20 minutes away, when Frankie calls me.

"Shitt Y/n, Ariana just called me fucking crying. What the hell did you do, I've never seen her cry this much dude." Frankie says nervously.

"Yeah yeah I'm going over to her place right now, why didn't you tell her that it was a prank?" I ask him.
"It's 3 in the morning, she woke me and you know how I am in the FUCKING morning." Frankie says.

I chuckle
"Sorry dude won't happen again, I have to go save my relationship" I say, not being able to hold in my laughter.

„You're so dead my guy, it was nice knowing you. You were a great friend, I'll take care of ariana for you bye bye."  He states in a serious tone.

I shake my head and pull into Arianas street, I park and run to the door because it's raining. As I open the door with my spare key I take off my shoes.
I jog up stairs to Ariana's room and try to open it but it's locked.

"Baby open up the door, please ." I plead chuckling. "Y/n go home, go play gta with "your boys",i wasn't even that serious about our relationship either."

My eyebrows furrow, her declaration making my stomach turn.

„What"  I let out a breath, my head against the wall as I slowly begin to regret the prank.

"I slept with Pete a month ago." she says

It feel like my heart shatters in a million pieces, I slowly slide down the wall and sit there broken.

"It was a silly prank Ari..." I whisper tears coming down my face.

"Wha- What did you just say?" she stutters, her voiced laced with confusion.

"It was a prank, Frankie told me about you trying to prank me. But i guess now I know the real you huh?"

Immediatly making my mind up about not wanting to spend another second here I jog down the stairs which makes her open the door quickly and walk after me. I open the front door, not caring about the storm outside as I open my car door and start the motor. Tears stream down my face, not being able to process what just happened as I drive out of her driveway when Ariana suddenly jumps in front of my car.
My hands clutch the break immediatly when she runs to my door.

„Ariana please just- stop." I mumble, my hand still clutching the wheel.

"Y/n baby, wait you can't drive in this state-" she says concerned.

"Don't call me baby, after what you did and for your information, I was serious about us even though I'm way younger than you and I thought after a year of being together- you were too... I planned on proposing soon cause I was so madly in love with you but that wasn't mature enough for you right?." I stammer, words just coming out my mouth.

„'Were in love with me'?..." Ariana asks.

„That's what you heard from all that?!"
I chuckle humorlessly my hand pressing the button to close the window as I start the car again.

"Y/n would you just listen to me, just for a second?" Ariana pleads, her hand moving to stop the window from closing.
I nod, getting out of the car, my legs feeling wobbly.
Tears stream down my face as I look anywhere but her brown eyes, closing the car door behind me

"I only said that I slept with Pete because I thought you weren't serious about us, I never would cheat on you, I love you" she says trying to get a hold of my neck to pull me closer.
I clenched my jaw, still not being able to look at her.

"Uhuh" I state, my tone dangerously cool, not believing one word she says.

"What the hell does that mean?" Ariana asks hurt. "Well you were always home late last month and you know we were having a sort of offish-time." I answer.

"You serious, you really think i would cheat on you?" she shouts starting to cry for the 500th time today, just as I start backing away, toward the car door.

"Look i don't know what to think right know Ariana-"
"Don't fucking call me Ariana, Y/nn" she says trying to pull me towards her.

"Ari- Ariana, stop! I said stop Ariana, I'm going home. I need some time I'll text you when I'm ready to talk, alright." I say looking down.

"No no no, Y/n, baby it's too dangerous to drive right now. Please don't leave me, please bunny  I can't handle that again. I love you, don't leave okay?" she pleads desperately.

I close my eyes at the memory of when she first called me that. I pull her close and we stand like that for at least 20 minutes. I slowly pull away
"Ariana I need some time, I promise I'll come back okay, I just need so time to think about my-, our future okay? I just can't think straight now, the image it just- it keeps coming up a-and- I can't think straight" I stammer, my body shaking as I feel my anxiety rise.

She knows when I talk in that tone that I need space.

"I love you bunny, okay? I would never cheat on you, I need you, you're the only good thing in my life. I- I-" Ari says desperately.
"It's going to be okay, I'll text you" I say, letting go of her.

I get in my car as I hear her whisper something, begging me to stay as she still holds on to my arm.

I look at her one last time, her hurt expression making me cry once again as I start the motor and drive off. I glance at the side mirror seeing, who I thought was the love of my life, as she stands there and starts to sobb. I get on the highway and listen to the playlist me and Ariana created, not daring to turn it off.

My vision becomes blurry as I continue to cry, not being able to turn that off either.

You may think we were being dramatic but after everything we've been through and it being 3 am it wasn't really a surprise. I slam the steering wheel and curse, I am lost, I don't know what to do, suddenly when I try to get my focus back on the road, I see a truck coming right at me as it slowly stops. Everything happens in a matter of seconds, I realise I'm in the wrong slope, yanking my wheel over to the right side as I close my eyes in fear.

Nr 1 rule: Don't ever close your eyes while driving

I don't know what's gonna happen, but the last thing I see is my beautiful baby smiling.

To be continued...

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