fuck u

4 1 1

I hate the way you act like if I was the only one faulted

I hate the way you're not around anymore

And the fact that you act as if we've never been something I hate the way you make me feel every time we pass between each other's

The way my heart hurt like if it had been stabbed a million times

I hate the way you act like If I was a monster

I hate the way you make me feel I hate the way you're cold and dry

I hate the way you believe everything people tell you about

me now since we broke up

I hate the way you say you, "respect me"

Because I honestly don't see this "respect" you have for me

I hate the way I don't hate you

Not even a bit

Not even close

Not even at all

I could never hate you honestly even if I tried so hard to

convince myself that I would

I just ... never could

I hate the way you think I don't have respect for you Did you know that when people tell me ar at your subject like

"He's a fucking dumb bitch"

"Did you actually really date that boy; I mean he's like one of the worst bitches of them all"

I simply say something like "No he's not, he's one of the best person that I ever meet, and I mean at least he's


I never talked badly of you or even in your back

I never did and never would

I hate your big red dumb combat boots

I hate your chain

I hate your black leather coat and your jeans jacket I hate the way you make me cry

I hate the fact that you didn't even check up on me

I hate the way you make me sick of all of that

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