Unfamiliar faces and Unexpected places: Chapter Three

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I looked over at my parents nervously and said, "Who are they?" "Oh, Sunoo, my child, come over and sit," my dad said in a sickeningly sweet voice. Now I knew something was up because my dad would never say that to me. I sat down cautiously and could feel myself being stared at. I heard my dad say, "Sunoo, head up please." I didn't reply and just looked up and wondered who they were, but I didn't have to think any longer before my dad said, "Sunoo, can you please get ready all of your stuff? You're going to be going with them." I shouted, "WHAT?!" "Sunoo, go lower your voice and go upstairs and pack," my dad said. "No," I said defiantly.
After I said that, I saw my dad whisper into my mom's ear and then saw her smile. My mom then started going up the stairs to my room. I followed her to see her packing my stuff in suitcases. I was feeling helpless; I had to go with them, but I didn't want to.
After my mom was done, she brought the suitcases down, and about five minutes later, my dad barged into my room, came over to me, and said, "You better go with them, you--" He then hugged me. I tried not to cry, and he said, "Awww, is the little baby gonna cry? Go downstairs right now!" I got up and started going downstairs. I knew the guests couldn't hear anything my dad said to me, so I tried to act like nothing had happened and went to where they were. I got there and saw my suitcases gone, then I saw one of the people that I thought had brought me to come up to me and say, "Come on, we have to go. The young masters don't like waiting." Now I was confused; who were the young masters and why was I following what he said? I had to put up a fight, but when I finally snapped out of it, I was in the car. How had I gotten there? One of the people was in the front and started driving while the other was with me. He started making small talk and said, "So, what's your name?" I got mad and said nothing, and he said, "Come on, kid, just give me your name, please. I'll tell you mine since we'll be seeing each other a lot." I reluctantly gave in and said, "Sunoo." "Sunoo, what a nice name," he said.
After he said that, I was about to ask a question, but the car stopped and it seemed like we were here - wherever here was. I got out and saw a huge mansion that gave off a creepy vibe, but my thoughts were interrupted when the guy said, "Come on, Sunoo, let's go. Also, you can call me Kai." Sunoo just nodded and grabbed Kai Hyung's suit, feeling nervous. I heard him laugh, but when we got to the door, he opened it and I saw...
i'll try to post tmr but if i don't i'm
sorry hope you enjoyed this chapter

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