Sunoo's Surprising Encounter:Chapter Twelve

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Sunoo's POV
I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring and groan, sitting up in bed. I stay there for a while, trying to find the will to get off my bed and turn off my alarm. After finally mustering the energy, I do just that and then go to the bathroom to brush my teeth, do my skin care routine, and change into some pastel-colored clothes. Ready to leave, I step out of my room and realize what I'm doing. Am I allowed to go out? I shake off the thought and leave the house, calling an Uber to pick me up a few blocks away.

When I get to the mall, I'm about to pull the door open when I hear someone call my name. I turn around and see Taehyun. "Sunoo, I haven't seen you since forever," he says. I roll my eyes. "We saw each other three days ago," I remind him. He just laughs and says, "Okay, okay. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm going to the arcade. Wanna come?" he asks, and I instantly agree. He grabs my hand and drags me all the way to the arcade. When we get there, we buy tokens and start looking around for what to play. We pass a claw machine with a cute duck plushie, and I point it out to him. "Omg, can you get it for me?" I ask, and he easily does, winning it on the first try. I squeal and hug him tightly, thanking him a thousand times. He just smiles and says, "Anything for you, my little fox." I blush, still not used to being called that.

We spend the rest of the afternoon playing games and walking around, and when we're done, I suggest getting ice cream. He agrees, and we go to the ice cream shop. The girl at the counter greets us and offers us their couple special. I blush, about to say we weren't a couple, but Taehyun interrupts me and says, "Yes, and a mint chocolate ice cream, please." I blush even more, and we walk away and sit at a booth.

"Taehyun, we aren't a couple. Why did you say yes?" I ask, still trying to calm down. He laughs and says, "But we could be," and winks at me. I blush again, and he laughs. "Anyways, I saw a deal and couldn't refuse it," he says.

The girl at the counter brings us our ice cream. I grab my mint chocolate and see the ice cream he got. I ask for a taste, and he scoops some up and puts it close to my mouth. I open my mouth to eat the ice cream and, with my mouth still covered, say, "That's so good." He just smiles and says, "I know, foxy." I blush again and look at my phone to see it's 6 o'clock and a little dark out.

"Um, I think we should get going," I say. He agrees, and I call an Uber. He waits with me until it arrives, and when it does, I hug him goodbye. As we're hugging, he says, "Bye, foxy," and kisses my forehead before pulling away. I stay stunned until I remember the Uber is still here. I get in and close the door and we drive off.

After a while, we're about 10 minutes from the house. I ask the driver to drop me off, and start walking. When I get to the gate, I open it with the passcode and enter. As I'm walking up the path, I get to the door and open it. I turn around to close and lock it, but before I can, I feel someone turn me around and slam me against the door. It was...

I'm sorry I haven't posted since September 28th. I hope you enjoyed this chapter though!

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