Chapter [1]

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 Chapter [1]

Well, I guess this all started at my best friend's house. We'd been over viewing this week’s Gossip update, which more than usually, didn't include us two. In fact it never included us. And the Gossip is something no one wants to be on.

     The Gossip is a website blog created by a totally cliché group of popular girls at our school. And they had from weekly, to daily updates about the 'latest gossip' in our school. Me and Noah always just read through the posts and felt sorry for the poor saps that those jerks wrote about.

      Until we came upon this one line... '

      Oh, and I hope everyone knows about this totally sickeningly adorable couple Lisey Ricks and Noah Johnson, and how they did it in Mr.O's science lab yesterday, Tara accidentally walked in on the two while she was dropping of some extra credit. She said it was repulsive.'

     "What?!" I screamed at the computer screen and jumped back a mile, falling off Noah's bed. I pop back up and crawl over to the laptop and the confused Noah; he obviously hadn't been on the same line as me. I'm a much faster reader.

     "Look, look!!" I screamed again, poking my finger at the line on the screen, and then wrapped my arms around my knees. "What about it? It's not true. Just like all the shit she says." I huff at is idiot-ness, and clutch his shoulders and bring my face up next to his, "Noah! I know that, you know that. But no one else knows that, and they think everything these jerks say is true." 

     He smirked at me. His signature smirk. That made my heart flutter sometimes. And trust me; I'm not the heart-fluttering type of girl.

     "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He chuckles, "Well now people think I'm an awesome sex freak who got with the Lisey Ricks." He laughs harder and then gives me an innocent look I shove this shoulders that I'd still been holding.

      "Trust me. Getting with me wouldn't make you awesome, to these girls," I motion towards the computer screen and then point at the word 'repulsive' , "It makes you repulsive," I mock the word in a valley girl accent. He doubles over laughing again, and then he falls of the end of his bed, he probably had a mini-heart attack by the look he wore, and I burst into fits of laugh laughter pointing at his face, even though he no longer has on the funny look of terror.

     Then he climbs back on the bed and sits next to me "Trust me, Lise. Their just jealous of you gorgeous clothes and pretty face," He says holding back more laughter while he tugs on my... no. His old black 30 Seconds to Mars t-shirt.

      It brought back the memories of that night I'd stolen from him when I slept over after we got back home from Donna Rullie's party of the month. I'd been so trashed he personally had to change me out of my slinky black dress and force me into the shirt without opening his eyes, so he "... won't be tempted to, like, do me or anything..." I fairly remember saying. He even took care of me during my hangover the next day.

          That was when I realized he wasn't just a good friend, he was my best friend.

     "Lise?"  I snap back into the moment when he says my name, "Oh yeah, I was just remembering the night I took this from you," I laughed.

      "Oh I thought you were checking me out, cause your eyes kind of drifted to places..." He motions towards his pants zipper, "You pervert!" I laugh and shove him again, harder.

      He laughs again, his electric gray eyes sparkle when he looks at me and I'd completely forgotten about The Gossip update. He puts his hands up in a 'I surrender" pose "Well I'm not the one who was staring in the direction of the other person’s genitals." I laugh at him then intertwined my fingers with his and put his hands down,

     "Well sorry if I'm the only one of us who loves thinking about that night I realized you were my best friend in the whole world." He smiles at my, not his smirk but his smile, that showed his perfectly white and straight teeth and the dimples that so often hid in his cheeks.

"The... Bestest?" He said in a kiddy little boy voice

"Yes. My Bestest Friend in the whole wide world!"

     He laughs at my also kiddy mocking tone "But, yah... That was pretty fun, and I was kind of checking' you out when I had to get you dressed." His smile turned back to his smirk,

"What?! You said you had your eyes closed!" I speak at him, my eyes wide.

     He laughed, "Well I was a little tipsy, and I can't work with my eyes closed! I can barely type without staring at the keys for ten seconds before I press any letter." He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder,

      "It's okay, I didn't look that much, but your purple and black lace, Victoria's Secret bra seriously makes your... shape look good." he winked and laughed, My jaw drops in a dramatic expression, I guess deep down I always knew he'd looked, because I wasn't totally surprised when he said it.

      But when he described my bra. He said it so surely I had to convince myself he was wrong, but I know I'd been wearing that bra. 100% sure. "Wow. Gross, you remembered?!"

     He smiles at me and takes a lock of my hair, twirling it around in his finger, "Hon. I still have it. You took a shower here remember? I didn't throw it away because I thought you'd come back for it, but you didn't." I put on my 'Oh' face.

"Haha, yah." he mumbled.

      We sat in a comfortable silence until, suddenly had an idea. I gave Noah my best sinister look. He looked at me like I was a crazed animal in return. I gave a low growl. And Noah stared at me, "Uh... Lisey? You ok- AH?!"

      I jumped on him and wrestled him down off the bed, thankfully missing his computer on the way down. "Ouch Lise. That hur- Haha!" He rolled me over and pinned me to the floor while straddling my waist.

     "Ugh!" I groan. "Babe, you can't pin me." he chuckles and I squirm under him. "Oh don't do that, you know you like this." He says then shakes his hips over me. "Noah!" He throws his head back and laughs at me. "Psh. c'mon, you know you like it." He says in a husky voice in my ear. I smirk at him.

      "Fine. I like it... a lot." I smile seductively and something sparks in his eyes. I wrap my legs around his waist and he lifts me so I'm sitting on his lap. He puts his lips to my neck and begins to kiss it. I giggle, and whisper in his ear, "Put me on the bed."

     He does as I tell him and then puts his laptop on his desk. He crawls so he's on top of me, smirking down at me, you can obviously see the hunger in his eyes.

     "I want to be on top." I giggle. He smiles at me and then does this weird super skilled flip so I land on top of him. "Better?" He says, smiling again.

     I then trap his legs and pin his wrists onto the bed. \

"See? I can pin you. Just, differently than you." I smirk.

"Aw. And I really... I thought you were serious" He fakes a hurt look and I collapse on him, laughing the hardest I ever have.

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