46: A Fork In The Road

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Time seemed to slow down as Jameel struggled to process the unexpected turn of events. "You're... pregnant?"

"Yes," Najah replied. "I am pregnant."

As if being struck by a bolt of lightning, Jameel recoiled. His entire countenance transformed in an instant. His eyes flickered with a mixture of disbelief and confusion. "Are you sure?"

Najah nodded; tears glistening in her eyes.

As Jameel gazed into her tear-filled eyes, he detected a glimmer of vulnerability in them. He suddenly felt bad for the way he had spoken to her.

"I am pregnant," Najah repeated.

A wave of emotion crashed over Jameel like a tidal. He couldn't believe his ears. His mind raced, picturing himself holding their newborn in his arms.

Without saying a word to her, Jameel embraced Najah tightly. His distant sentiments against her began to dissipate.

The awareness of having a child with Najah clashed with his disappointment in her, creating an emotional turbulence he couldn't ignore.

He slowly pulled back.

The room remained suspended in stillness as Jameel and Najah exchanged hesitant glances, their eyes now mirroring a shared vulnerability. Uncertain on how to proceed, he stood at a crossroads of their almost broken marriage. He wanted to speak but at the same time, didn't know what to say.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" Najah asked.

Jameel adjusted his sitting position. In that poignant moment, a newfound sense of obligation washed over him. Although he was still very mad at Najah for slapping Afrah, the arrival of a new child invoked the prospect of redemption-A chance to build a bridge between their deteriorating relationship. "When did you find out?"

"A while ago," Najah replied. "I haven't taken a test but I'm certain that I am pregnant."

Jameel furrowed his brows. "I don't get you. It's not confirmed yet?"

"It is because I can literally feel it. All the signs are there as well."

Jameel sighed. "You still need to confirm it."

"Why?" Najah raised a brow. "You don't believe me?"

"It's not that...I just want us to be sure. Taking a test won't hurt." Jameel rose to his feet. "I think Afrah still has a few test strips left. I will get them for you."

"I don't need anything of hers. I can get the test strips myself."

"Don't be stubborn, Najah. I will be back."

Walking out of the room, Jameel released the breath he didn't realize he had been holding. His heart was racing so fast. Najah's revelation was the last thing he had expected. It gave him mixed feelings. Of course, he was thrilled, but more than that, he was confused.

Afrah was lying in her bed when Jameel walked in.

Not wanting to wake her, he quietly walked into her bathroom. His eyes roamed around until he finally found the test strips. He took two of them before walking out of the bathroom and making his way back to Najah's room.

"Najah," Jameel called, as he opened the door to her room and advanced inside. "Here are the test strips," he said, outstretching them to her. "You should take the test."

Najah hesitated for a while before collecting the test strips from him. "There's really no need for this but I'm going to do it to prove to you that I didn't just make it up."

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