Part One Chapter Four

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Chapter 4: Welcome to the Cookie Kingdom!

Bandana Dee tilted his head. "Well, what are you guys?" he said in response to the wizard's question.

"We're Cookies, what else would we be?" the Cookie dressed as a wizard responded "Now answer our questions."

"I'm Kirby!" Kirby happily introduced himself, stepping forward "This is Bandana Waddle Dee, and Adeleine!"

Upon seeing Kirby's friendly demeanor, the gingerbread boy smiled and waved back at Kirby. "Nice to meet you Kirby! I'm GingerBrave!" he then motioned his friend to step forward "This is my friend Wizard Cookie!"

"Yes, hello." Wizard Cookie greeted "You still haven't answered my question, what are you guys? You are the strangest looking Cookies I have ever seen."

He then pointed his wand at Adeleine. "Well except for you, you look pretty normal."

"I do?" Adeleine said, surprised by that remark.

"Mmhmm." Wizard Cookie nodded "Though I do question your attire a little."

Adeleine, slightly taken aback by that comment, examined her outfit. (What's wrong with the way I'm dressed???) she thought.

"Bandana Dee's a Waddle Dee!" Kirby abruptly started explaining, giving Bandana a side hug "And I'm... Um well... I'm just me!"

GingerBrave tilted his head. "You guys aren't from here, are you?"

"Nope!" Kirby confirmed "We're from Dreamland on Planet Popstar!"

"You're from another world?!?" asked GingerBrave, his eyes sparkling with wonder.


"Well that explains your appearances." commented Wizard Cookie, him looking very fascinated as well (And why I've never heard of a Waddle Dee...)

"Still, that's amazing!" GingerBrave complimented "How'd you get to our world?"

"It's kind of a long story, and I don't know if you'll understand most of it." Adeleine remarked, scratching the back of her head "But basically, we got sent here by accident due to a vortex, and now we-"

"Hold on!" Wizard Cookie interrupted her "Are you the ones we saw fall from the vortex that opened up in the sky???"

Adeleine's eyebrows went up "Wait, you saw us???"

"Kinda!" Gingerbrave started explaining "A friend of ours said he saw something forming in the sky with his telescope, and when we looked through it we saw a vortex open up over this hill and three figures fell down from it. Was that you guys?"

"Yeah!" Bandana Dee confirmed "We fell from the sky?? No wonder my back hurt when I woke up..."

"Did you see any other vortexes open up and anyone else fall from them?" Kirby asked.

"No, we only saw that one." Wizard Cookie answered.

"Oh..." Kirby said in disappointment "A bunch of our friends got sucked into the vortex too, I guess they got sent elsewhere."

GingerBrave's brow furrowed. "Oh no, you have other friends who got sent here?"

"Yeah, we've been looking for them, but all we've found are a bunch of monsters that attacked us like that thing," Kirby pointed at the unconscious choco roll hoglet "some jelly bees, a frogs made of gelatin."

"Ah you must be referring to Frogg-o's." Wizard Cookie mentioned "They can be kinda annoying, but once you figure out how to avoid their slime attacks, they're fairly simple to handle."

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