Part One Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9: The Dreamy Conductor

Kirby shifted in his sleep. The environment around him felt strange. He still felt cozy, but he didn't feel any blankets or pillows or anything. He felt like he was dreaming, yet he was fully aware of what was happening, despite not opening his eyes yet.

He then noticed Elfilin wasn't by his side, alarming him. Where did Elfilin go?

Suddenly, he heard a voice.

"Hey, it's you again!"

Kirby shifted some more. That voice, was that the same voice he heard when he first arrived at this world? Before Bandana Dee woke him up?

"Hi, can you please get up?" the voice requested "I get it if you're tired, but I want to know who you are!"

Yawning, Kirby slowly sat up, rubbed his face with his hands, and slowly opened his eyes.

Kirby blinked in surprise at what his eyes saw. All around him was a violet sky filled with countless stars like a beautiful galaxy. Looking down at the ground, Kirby saw that he was sitting on a fluffy lavender/bright pink colored cloud that had bits of stars in it.

"Whew! You're finally up!"

Kirby turned to his left and finally saw who was talking. It was a small Cookie whose hair and dough looked snow or milk colored, the hair itself was so long that it touched the ground, even though it was tied in twintails. She was wearing a conductor's uniform that looked a little big for her, especially the sleeves, and her starry mauve eyes were staring curiously at Kirby.

"Hello!" she properly greeted "Now that you're up, can you tell me who you are?"

Kirby looked at her for a second, then smiled and waved at her. "Hai! I'm Kirby! Nice to meet you!"

The conductor dressed cookie smiled. "So you're Kirby huh? How nice! My name's Milky Way Cookie, nice to meet you too!"

Kirby walked up closer to Milky Way Cookie to get a better look at her, also so he wouldn't have to talk to her from a small distance.

"Woah, are you actually made from the Milky Way?" Kirby asked as he noticed all the starry accessories she wore and how her hair had some starry details and highlights.

"He he, I'm made of all kinds of delightful starshine!" Milky Way Cookie giggled "But yes, I was created from the Milky Way that I am named after."

"Oooooh." Kirby said in amazement, causing Milky Way Cookie to giggle some more.

Once Kirby was done looking at her, he looked around at the starry sky some more. "Where am I?" he asked "Did someone teleport me here when I fell asleep?"

"Haha! No, you're in the World of Dreams!" Milky Way Cookie explained. "The realm of every Cookie's dreams."

Kirby's eyes sparkled in amazement "Woah! I'm in a dreamworld? (That explains why it feels like I'm dreaming!)"

"That is correct. Though I'm curious, Cookies usually aren't able to fully enter the World of Dreams when they're asleep unless the Slumbering Moon personally requests it. And I've never seen a Cookie like you before."

Milky Way Cookie then started to poke Kirby's cheek with her right sleeve, making the pink puff laugh. "Where did you come from?" she asked.

Once Kirby was able to contain his laughter, he answered her question. "Haha, me and my friends are from another world! We got sent here by accident, and we're looking for a way home. As well as find out where all our other friends ended up."

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