The Embodiment Of Destruction (Uq Holder x Op! Male Reader)

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Y/n L/n or better known as "The Embodiment of Destruction" has his powers sealed through unknown means as he tries to get them unsealed. So, he decided to visit a few old friends in order for them to help him. Now, we take a look at Y/n's adventure in the UQ Holder World.


Name: Y/n L/n

Age: 100+

Race: Human (Former), Immortal (Currently)

Eye Color: Scarlet Red

Hair Color: Black

Personality: Lazy, Daring, Kind, Serious,Caring, Lazy, Quiet & Lazy

Occupation: Teacher(Former), Student (Disguise)

Hobbies: Messing with Negi & Class 3A,Hanging out with Touta & theOthers, Teasing Karin

Likes:" Caramel Apples, Swords, Video Games, His Friends (old & new)Unharmful Pranks, Napping,Warm milk (Any flavor), BobbaTea

Hates: Getting Teased or Pranked, BeingDisturbed in naps, Not snacking Atleast 9 times a day, No games


(Imagine they all have Scarlet red Eyes)

Kid Form:

12 Year Old Form: 

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12 Year Old Form: 

12 Year Old Form: 

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Teen Form:

Powers and Abilities

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Powers and Abilities

Immortality: He is unkillable and can heal from any injury, even being burned to crisp and even if his cells all disappeared he has billions of lifeless bodies hidden around the multiverse just incase every cell in his current body in use gets erased.

Magic Prowess: Known to be just above Negi Springfield in Magic Prowess, his also known for making a lot of powerful and original spells as well as using a spell without a chant.

Superstrength(Weakened): He is able to pull multiple planets into orbit and destroy a planet while holding back, but this was weakend to mearly Unordinary Strength.

Flash step (Weakened): One of the first skills he mastered and he is one of the best flash step users.

Pain Tolerance: He is able to tolerate immense amount of pain. This is the result of his training to become one of the strongest immortals.

Weapon Expertise: It's not that he's an expert in all weapons, his just able to adapt to anything he holds and uses it as if he has mastered the weapon fighting style itself.

Hand-To-Hand Combat Expertise: He created his own fighting style named "The Immortal Style" Which most moves it has can result in losing a limb in exchange for dealing great damage. So, it needs to be a Immortal being to use this style in a fight.

Shapeshifting: His able to alter his appearance to appear younger or older and sometimes anything if he focuses enough.


Accel: A Katana named "Accel" as any holder of this katana become faster than they were before as well as their attacks get faster

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Accel: A Katana named "Accel" as any holder of this katana become faster than they were before as well as their attacks get faster. He usually hides it as it can also change appearance and make it appear as his wrist watch.

Book of Ideas and OC/Fanon Character Bio's By TheGodslayer1900Where stories live. Discover now