Home sweet home

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As soon as I got settled into my room I heard a knock, "come in!" I said, the door opens and my older brother Ross comes in.

"Yo kiddo, do you wanna go to this concert with me?" Ross says.

"who's concert?"I ask
"Tokio hotel"

    When I was around 14-15 Ross introduced me into Tokio hotel.

"Yeah sure I'd love to go, when is it?" I said  "in 3 days, so listen to every song while you can!!" Ross replied with while running away.

'He's so stupid sometimes' I thought to myself while going to look outside my window.

I look outside my window to see a tall boy standing there, he had black spiked hair with some blonde streaks, he had some kind of dark eye shadow around his eyes and a eyebrow piercing, he seemed to be looking back at me, I waved at the boy and he waved back, we both smiled at each-other, after a few seconds of staring at each-other he disappeared.

Hours passed and I couldn't stop thinking about the boy I seen through the window.

A day before the concert I took a night walk in the park near my house and sat there to mentally prepare myself for the concert, I didn't like big crowds but it was one of my only chances to go have a bit of fun, as I was sitting there I decided to put my head between my hands and set my elbows on my knees.

I didn't hear any footsteps but then I heard a voice.

"Hey are you alright?" Someone said with a german accent, I almost jumped but was relieved when I seen it was the boy from the window. "Yes I'm alright, thanks for asking" I replied to the boy.

"yeah it's no problem, I'm bill, what's your name?"

"Y/n, I just moved here"

I said "beautiful name y/n, hope to see you around."  Bill says as he gets up and walks away.

That whole thing was 354 words omgg, the first chapter is done!! I'm hoping this does well!!

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