"Yeah honestly, i would."

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     Suddenly I woke up and didn't know where I was, i wasn't wearing my dress, I was wearing a black tee and someone's boxers?!

     'What the hell' i thought as I seen bill walk into the room from the bathroom in his room without him noticing me.

"Oh hey sorry." Bill says

"What happened last night.." I said

"A lot, first you and Tom had a karaoke battle in the living room, then you and tom had a drinking battle, and guess who won." Bill explains

"Oh my, who?" I question

"You" bill answers while getting dressed

"Then after that Tom screamed 'who wants to go skinny dipping in the pool!!' While you were dancing on the table." Bill says

"Are you serious." I say as I lay back down

"Then you started stripping.. I took you out before you took to much off" bill says while drying his hair

"Oh my gosh. Who changed me.." i ask

"Uhm, I did, sorry I hope you don't mind.." bill says while flustered

"Oh it's fine, I'd rather it have you do it then anyone else." I tell him

"Come on down stairs I'll make you breakfast" bill says while getting me out of bed

"Okayy.." I say while getting up

Bill brings me out of the room dragging me by my hand, I blushed a bit while he held it, his hands were so soft, I layed down on the couch and looked on the table, I seen a polaroid picture of me and bill dancing together.

"Hey bill look at this" I say while getting up to show him

"Oh, look at us." Bill says while being flustered

Suddenly Tom was behind us looking at the picture

"Wow you two are would be cute together" Tom says while eating something

"Goddam Tom you almost gave me a heart attack" bill says while he gasped

"Yeah Tom.." I say as well

I go and sit back down while bill gives me a plate, I just now realized that bill wasn't wearing a shirt while cooking.

I couldn't stop staring at him.

There was just something about him that just, I couldn't stop thinking about him, everything about him just gave me butterflies.

Bills pov:

Did Tom mean what he said?

I pulled Tom aside to ask him a favor.

"Tom I have a really big favor to ask you." I tell him

"What is it?" Tom replies

"Okay so, can you help me ask y/n something.." I ask while looking down

"Yeah what is it?" Tom says

"Can you ask y/n if she would ever date me.. but! Ask her in a normal way like 'hey would you ever date someone like bill?' Something like that.." I ask

"Okay yeah" Tom replied

"Really?!" I said excitedly

Tom walks over and plops himself next to y/n on the couch while I do the dishes.

"Hey y/n" Tom ask

"Yeah?" Y/n replies

"Would you ever date bill? Yk he's amazing, he cooks he cleans, he's respectful, and responsible" Tom explains

"Yeah, honestly I would." Y/n answers

Sorry for such a short chapter I've really been unmotivated, and school has me busy, because I'm trying out for sports and doing classes. But thank you for 100 reads on this!! I honestly didn't think that anyone would read this. But thank you and sorry!!

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