The party

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A/N: there's gonna be a little bit of aggression in this chapter so tw!!

Bills pov:
As she walked away I couldn't help but stare, she's the prettiest girl I know.

"Who you staring at bill?" Tom ask while walking up to me and putting his arm on my shoulder

"No one" I reply back as I'm hiding the gift y/n got me

"We're u staring at the neighbor??" Tom questioned while looking at her

"No I wasn't" I replied back to him still looking at her

"So you wouldn't mind if I went to talk to her?" Tom asks

"Go ahead then" I reply to toms question, but I instantly regret telling him to 'go ahead'.

Your pov:

While going to get something to drink a dread-headed boy comes up to me.

"Hey there, y/n right?"

"Yeah, are you Tom?" I ask

"Yeah how'd you know?"

"Oh I'm friends with bill so he told me when he invited me" I reply

"Oh he did huh?" He says while looking back at him

"Yeah- oh yeah! Happy birthday!!" I say to him while offering him a hug

"Oh thank you" he says hugging me back and spins me around so we've switched spots

"What was that for?" I ask

"Oh it was nothing, but enjoy the party I have to go do something real quick"

Toms pov:

After I made a face at bill flipping him off while hugging y/n he looked mad and walked off somewhere.

Your pov:

I didn't know anyone other then Bill and Tom, but they were off doing their own thing so I kinda just stood around and drank, by the time this guy came up and started talking to me I was already tipsy.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing all by herself"

"Oh I'm just here for Bill and Toms birthday"

After that we started talking a lot and he gave me his number, turns out his name is Regan he was nice and we talked almost the entire night.

After me and Regan were talking for what felt like hours tom came up to me and Regan.

"Hey can I borrow y/n rq?" Tom ask

"Yeah sure she's all yours" Regan replies


'I wonder what he wants.'

"Y/n you needa stop talking to him"


"There's two reasons, one is because he's a dirtbag and second it's hurting bills feelings."

'Hurting bills feelings?' I thought

"What do you mean 'hurting bills feelings'?"

"I can't tell you but stop talking to him, I can just feel he's no good."

"Okay fine"

-back to Regan-

"Hey Regan we can't talk anymore, so I think you should just delete my number and forget about me"

"What do you mean?! I thought we had something going on?! Just forget about you?!" Regan says and grabs my wrist forcefully

"Regan stop."

"No because why'd you lead me on if you were just gonna do that?"

"Yes you were, you knew what you were doing!" Regan says as he gets more forceful

"Regan I'm serious stop it your hurting me!"

Suddenly I heard someone run up behind me and punch Regan, I closed my eyes and once I opened them I realized.

It was Tom.

"Y/n go find Bill and stay with him while I deal with this guy."

I ran to find Bill as quickly as possible, by the time I found him and brought him to Tom Regan was gone and Tom was all bloody knuckled.

"Here let's get you cleaned up" I said while taking both of them with me to the bathroom

"Bill can you get me a first aid kid?"

"Yeah." He says with a kinda irritated tone

"I wonder what's up with him" I ask Tom

"Maybe because of u and Regan" Tom replied

"Huh what do you mean me and Regan?"

"Look I can't tell you, but just don't talk about any guy around bill"

"Okay.." I reply to Tom while bill comes back with the first aid kit

"Hey I'm gonna go out there." Bill says

We both say okay and Bill leaves, I clean up Toms hands. I notice that he keeps looking at me while I'm cleaning him up. Once we finish we both leave and go do our own thing, I go drink some more, Tom talks to more girls, but bills just standing around. I notice this girl has one of those polaroid cameras, I go up to her and ask her if she can take some pictures with me Tom and Bill.

First I get Bill and tell him to pose with me for a picture, for the first one we stand next to each other doing a peace sign, his hand was on my waist too.

I got butterflies from it.

I pulled Bill down from his collar to ask him something.

"Bill in this picture can I kiss your cheek?" I said while blushing a bit.

"Yes of course you can" bill replies blushing a bit

   So, we take a picture of just us, me kissing his cheek with his hand on my waist, the rest of the night me bill and Tom took pictures together, we sung happy birthday to the twins, we drank, well me and Tom did while Bill took care of us for the rest of the night.

This chapter was 899 words omg, so sorry this chapter took so long to come out, I've been busy lately, but I think this is my longest chapter yet!! Please enjoy this!!

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