Love is in the air

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A few weeks after the concert i started school, the people I met were great, I made friends with only like two people, one's name was Matt and the other was Syd, they've already known each other before meeting me so they were already close. I also found out that Bill and Tom are homeschooled so I wouldn't see them at school.

"Y/n!!" Matt yelled out while walking towards me

"Hey Matt!!" I replied back to him

"I need your help with something"

"Yeah sure, what is it?"

"So I wanted to ask Syd out-"

"WHATTTT" I yelled cutting him off

"SHH keep your voice down" he says as he puts his hand over my mouth

"Whattt!!" I whisper yelled to him

"Yeah but don't tell her, I've had a crush on her for years now"

"That's so cute Matt omg" I reply to him as he looks away

"Yeah, I wanted to ask you how I should ask her because you guys are some what close, so, can you help me?"

"Well no duh ofc I can! Anything for you guys!"

-time skip-

As I was walking home from my german classes I seen bill walk out of his house and towards me.

"Hey y/n!!" Bill yelled

"Hey bill!!" I yelled back

"Its me and toms birthday later on tonight and I wanted to see if you wanted to join us for the party later"

"Yeah ofc!! What time and what should I wear?" I reply to him

"Around 8 would be great! And wear whatever you feel like, but I'll be wearing a black suit if your curious, Tom will be wearing a suit too, but sure what color though"

"Alright, thanks for letting me know, maybe we'll be matching" I say as I wink at him then walk away

-time skip to 8-

I was wearing a black silk dress with a draped coller with a thigh slit, with black heels and jewelry, I also did my regular makeup, as always. I told my mom where i was going and she told me to at least be back at midnight, but she didn't really care because I was just next door.

As soon as I got to the door I was greeted by bill.

"Hey y/n you made it!!"

"Yeah ofc!! Wouldn't miss it for the world!!" I reply

"Oh yeah here's your gift!!"

"Oh you didn't have to get me anything y/n!! You being here is already brings me joy!!"

"But I wanted to!! I hope you enjoy it, I didn't know what to get you so I just got you this!" I say as I hand it to him

"Thank you!! I'll open it later, I also must say you look absolutely gorgeous." bill says while blushing a bit

"Well thank you, you look awesome as well!" I reply back with

I felt my face was hot because of that compliment.

Did I have a crush on Bill Kaulitz?

This chapter is 498 words omgg, I hope you guys are enjoying it so far, I'm trying to make my chapters long because I personally know that I like the story's that I'm reading for the chapters to be long, so that's what I'm trying to do for you guys!! In the next chapter I'm going to start it off with it being in Bills POV first and see if you guys like it or not, but please give me feedback on what you think!! Also my apologies for making their birthday come so quick in the story, but I think in the end what I'm going to do is gonna make sense!!

My superstar (y/n x bill kaulitz)Where stories live. Discover now