The concert

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          The day of the concert Ross and I went shopping for some clothes to wear tonight, "whatchu think about this??" Ross says while holding up a chain that's heavy and bulky.

"ehhh." I say in response to his question
"is it not good??" Ross questions, "it looks really heavy, we're probably going to be walking and moving a lot, do you really wanna wear that??" I reply, "fine fine" Ross says.

By the time we check out it was almost 3pm so we had to get home to get ready, I got a metal star belt for the more middle of my waist, and a cute white cropped shirt, with some sunglasses Ross just got a pair of big jeans.

         I was wearing a white cropped shirt with some of Ross's jeans that he got a while ago, and my new star belt, I put my new sunglasses in my hair to hold back my bangs, and my makeup was just mascara and a bit of eyeshadow around my eyes, Ross wore what he normally wears, big pants with a belt and a normal shirt with jewelry.

          While I'm in my room almost finished getting ready I look outside my window to see bill and this other boy who I assumed is his brother leaving his house and there being a lot of paparazzi, 'I wonder what's going on over there' I think to myself while putting my shoes on.

"ARE YOU ALMOST READY??" Ross yells while I'm  going down the stairs, "yeah I'm ready ugly" I reply back to Ross.

"okay I see how it is little girl, anyway we should go now because there's gonna be traffic and it's gonna be packed, so get in the car let's go."

          Once we got to the place where the concert was being held we had to squeeze through everyone to get to where we we're supposed to go, we were in the front row close to the stage.

"I told you it was gonna be packed!" Ross says, "yeah I know but I didn't know it was gonna be this packed!" I replied with.

once the band members started walking out I recognized somebody up on the stage.

It was Bill.

          I was in shock for a second when we made eye contact and he smiled at me, after a few minutes they started playing Monsoon because at the moment it was their most popular song.

Everyone was screaming including me and Ross, we were jumping up and down and getting shoved by the second, Bill noticed and he announced that he was going to bring one of us onto the stage, he skimmed through the crowd to see who he was going to pick, he and I made eye contact with each other and he told the security guard to help me get up onto the stage

Everyone looked at me and Ross told me to get onto the stage, and so I did, after I got up there Bill asked me what my name was like he already didn't know, I told him and he told me that the song we were gonna sing was  Schrei.

     Of course I sung my heart out while I was on stage, while I was on stage I couldn't stop looking at bill, there was something about him that just made him, majestic.

      At the end of the song I got back into my spot with Ross and everyone started asking me a bunch of questions, "how did he smell??" Or "how did he feel?!" Everyone was telling me how lucky I was that I got to sing up stage with the Bill Kaulitz.

         After the show was over me and Ross started to walk out, we also seen all the fans getting ready to have them sign stuff or just to touch their arms, Ross and I were to tired to do that so we just went home.

         By the time we got home we also seen our neighbors get home at the same time as us, I seen Bill starting to walk up to me.

  Your guys convo:

"Hey y/n!!" Bill said

"Oh hey bill!!"

"I seen you at our show, didn't know you were a fan!"

"Oh yeah, I've been a fan for a while now, I didn't know you were in the band"

"How could you not know?" Bill says with bit of a chuckle

"I dunno, just never looked up what you look like I guess"

"Oh well, I came over here to see if you were free anytime soon, I wanted to know if you wanted to hangout with me and my brother Tom"

"Oh yeah sure I'd love to, just let me know when,"
"Great! Here's my number" bill says while putting his number in your phone

"Yeah okay, just text me whenever your free!"

After I finished getting ready for bed my phone buzzed, I wonder who it was?

Bill <3

Bill: Hey y/n!! It's bill just confirming my number!!

Y/n: Hey bill!! It's y/n to confirm as-well!!

Bill: Alrighty!! I'll be going to sleep now, goodnight y/n have sweet dreams.

Y/n: goodnight bill, you too.


Omggg this is my longest chapter, 868 words for the story!! it took me like 1-2 hours to write because I got stuck for a moment! I'm trying out a different layout for the text and stuff, for like long convos n stuff I'll be doing it like how I did it for when bill came up to y/n outside, and for text I'll do it like how I did above this. The bold text (what this is) will represent the text messages between them, and I'll change the pics once in a while like I'll do bills pov and maybe toms pov, but yeah!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

My superstar (y/n x bill kaulitz)Where stories live. Discover now