Chapter Six

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After my last encounter with Brandon last night I thought it would be best if I avoided him for a while. I didn't like hanging around guys when they were drunk, it was like a trigger for me. I hoped it wasn't a habit of him to come home intoxicated.

As I sat up in my bed, staring up at the ceiling I realized how lucky most people actually are. Sure, Katherine and her husband may have worked hard for their fortune but Brandon and Cole have lived in luxury like two kings that didn't need to earn anything. It was kind of saddening to say the least.

Suddenly, I heard a little knock on my bedroom door. Hesitantly, Valeria strolled in, holding a tray of food in her hands. I sat upright, feeling a chill breeze run down my spine as the blankets slowly fell down below my waist.

''Do you like the pajamas? Katherine picked it out for you a few weeks ago.'' Valeria sweetly grinned before handing me the tray of food. The smell of freshly cooked scrambled eggs, buttered multi grain bread and freshly squeezed orange juice swiftly filled my lungs. Yum.... I thought to myself.

''What's this?'' I asked, wide eyed. To be honest, I was surprised. This large amount of food was probably my entire meal for the whole day. It was too much. 

''Breakfast,'' she replied. ''Now eat up. Katherine was planning on taking you shopping today but she has to run an errand. I'll accompany you if you please.''

''Sure.'' I answered, ''I don't mind.'' I glanced down at my food and tried to decide what I should eat first.

I took a large bite of my buttered toast and savored the sweet taste of the scrambled eggs she had prepared. It tickled my taste buds and I suddenly realized how hungry I actually was, but it didn't take much to fill up my stomach though unfortunately. Years of practice, I guess.

''We could leave now if you want,'' She politely suggested. ''But after you finish your food, of course.''

I barely touched the food that Valeria had prepared for me. I had barely eaten anything and I was already full. I didn't want to seem ungrateful, but I couldn't eat very much at all. I decided to change the subject.

''Are Brandon and Cole coming with us?'' I asked, licking my fingers to savour the taste of the buttered toast that was now completely gone. I kinda hoped they wouldn't. I didn't really find them a pleasure to be around.

''No,'' thank god. ''They took off with some of their friends in the morning before I woke up.''

''They're allowed to do that?'' I asked, stunned that they were able to just take off whenever they wanted to. They had freedom, something I unfortunately never had the chance to have. 

Back in the group home we had to ask for permission to just walk around in the backyard. And, if we were to go to the park we needed to take an authority figure with us. How fucked up is that?

''Um, can you tell Katherine that I'll pay her back as soon as I get a job?'' I asked, ''like for today?''

Valeria halted, appearing dumb folded as if I had just told her that Katherine did cartwheels naked down the hallway last night.

''Don't bother Lacey.'' She shook her head, ''Katherine wanted to do this for you. She was looking forward to spoiling you regardless. Here...''

She fished something out from her pocket and handed me a new VISA credit card. I hesitantly took it, wondering why she was giving me a credit card.

''The credit limit is fifty thousand dollars. It's Katherine's gift to you in case you need anything.''

I choked, coughing dramatically as if I was dying from inhaling too much air. HOLY FUCK! 50,000? That's way too much.

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