Chapter Sixteen

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Sorry  for the late chapter update. I promise I will be posting chapters a lot more frequently from now on <3 thank you for keeping up to date and reading up to fifteen chapters of the book I am currently and extremely proud of writing :) it's a work in progress and I thank all my fans for being patient, now onto the next following chapter. I hope you are all excited because I sure am for what's about to come next. <3 :3


For the first time in my life I felt extremely nervous. I was eagerly awaiting Katherine and our stepfather's arrival. I knew they were going to kill me, not literally but that didn't really phase me at all. I knew that our stepfather would be mad but I honestly didn't care. He's an asshole. 

''We're so fucked.'' Brandon was the first to speak up since we managed to get ourselves locked up in a jail cell. We hadn't spoken, we all just sat in different corners in complete and utter silence until all our fate's had been decided. I wasn't sure of what was to come but I was sure of one thing; no one fucks with me and gets away with it. 

''No. We just have to be patient. I'm sure they'll eventually come bail us out.'' Cole replied, running a hand through his short hair that hadn't been washed in a day or two. I really need a shower...we all do. I haven't shaved in two days. I haven't been able to shave and I feel absolutely dirty and unhygienic. I'm starting to smell like Lil Wayne. Fuck my life. 

''Can you imagine how pissed they would be with us right now? they'll probably just leave us to rot in here and move to Hawaii to buy a giraffe named Lenny.''

''That's so random Bra-''

''--Well we're safe until they come here.'' I added, interrupting Cole. I ran my hands over my face, groaning in frustration. I was dying of boredom and there was nothing to do but stare straight up at the grey painted ceiling. 

Watching the guard leave, my face quickly fell. I knew what was to come. Dread crawled it's way through my chest as one of the officer's that stood by the cell door opened it, allowing Katherine and our stepfather to enter. They both seemed distant, not from us but from one another. Katherine wore black glasses that covered her eyes whilst he stood confident, releasing Katherine's hand that was intertwined in his. She seemed too timid to appear confused or question the sudden act. I didn't try to think about it though, after all, it was none of my business. 

An emotion I couldn't trace crossed through our stepfather's eyes for a split second, as though i had imagined it but I knew that I hadn't. He seemed empty and lost, probably from finding out that I had driven his car off of a cliff. I stifled back a laugh, trying to contain my twisted sense of humor before they change their minds about bailing us out. 

His cold eyes met mine with surprise followed by immediate displeasure. I didn't lower my head in embarrassment or let it phase me, I decided to stare right back into his cold, beady eyes. I honestly didn't give a single fuck. It was his fault for underestimating me. No one controls me anymore. No one. 

''Come with us.'' Our stepfather harshly demanded. As we all began to stand up, he began to shake his head. ''No, only Brandon and Cole. '' 

I stood still like a frozen sculpture before I quickly glanced back towards Brandon and Cole who both appeared puzzled. They looked as if they didn't want to move or leave my side but they both knew they had too. I nodded in reassurance to them before they walked out of the jail cell and down the hallway with Katherine following behind them. 

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