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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
~six year old (Y/N)~
I was sitting behind the couch with my dolly. Her name is Jessy. Mommy was screaming at Daddy again I wish they would kiss and hug like they used to but Daddy hits Mommy a lot. Mommy then ran outside with Daddy following. Daddy slammed Mommy to the wall.

"Listen you little bitch don't you ever fucking insult me! Do you fucking understand you whore!" Daddy screamed in Mommy's face

She flinched but quickly responded with "Shut the fuck up you pig! Me and (Y/N) are fucking leaving whether you like it or not you fucking dick!"

That's when Daddy threw her to the ground and started hitting Mommy. Tears escaped my (E/C) eyes as I watched Mommy scream in pain. I wanted to run to Mommy and keep her away from Daddy but I remembered Daddy hit me once really hard for doing that. Mommy even told me to hide. After a couple minutes of hitting Mommy, Daddy went to the kitchen leaving Mommy on the floor.

"Run....(Y/N)" she groaned out.

I couldn't move I was paralyzed. I was to scared to think! I only stared at Mommy in horror as Daddy came back with the knife. He grabbed Mommy by the hair and hoisted her up so she was pinned to the wall again. He pressed his knife against her knock.

"Don' this... Please...(Y/N) needs me..." Mommy whimpered out.

Daddy only chuckled and pressed his blade against her knock harder. Blood was starting to ooze out and Mommy began to squirm around.

"To late should have obeyed" Daddy said in an evil voice and stabbed Mommy in the neck.

She dropped to the floor motionless with blood spurting out of her mouth and neck. I crawled out behind the couch and kneeled by Mommy. I didn't know what happened she just fell asleep.

"Daddy why is Mommy sleeping?" I asked and poked Mommy's cheek. It was cold and color was draining from her face.

"Don't worry princess she lost a game we were playing. We should go and play my favorite game" he said and lifted me up carrying me bridal style to my room.

Once we got there he gently placed me on the bed and snickered. I looked at him confused. He then unbuckled his belt.

~The next Day

'Mommy hasent woken up yet' I thought as I watched my friends Samantha and Casey play ball together.

Last night I hated the game me and Daddy played. It was awful and wrong. He Played it with Mommy before. But that was when Daddy didn't hit Mommy.

"Hey (Y/N)! Come play with us!" Samantha shouted.

An idea shot in my head once they said the word 'play'. My (E/C) eyes lightened up.

"Hey guys! I gotta new game wait here and lemme go get the thing I need to have!" I shouted and ran into my house.

I entered and looked around the kitchen. We lived in a small apartment. I walked around and spotted the knife Daddy used to put Mommy to sleep. It still had Mommy's Red Liquid on it except it was dry and looked brown.

I ran back outside and once Samantha and Casey saw me they shrieked in horror as if I were a monster.

"Hey guys! This game Daddy played stay still!" I screamed in joy.

I stabbed Samantha and Casey in the neck. They both fell to the ground with their eyes wide open and blood spirting out of their wounds. I laughed a little at their position the looked so funny.

"Hey guys I'm going to go wash up you guys got me dirty" I said a bit of annoyance in my voice. I ran back into my house and turned on the shower.

~After a quick shower

I got dressed and totally forgot about Samantha and Casey.

'I wanna play mechanic' I thought to myself.

I walked out of my room and into the living room. There was Daddy sound asleep with his beer in hand. Daddy always drunk a lot and passed out on the couch. I felt relief wash over me as I saw him asleep. I dashed to the garage and saw Daddy's car.

I opened the hood of the car. A powerful smell filled the room. I grabbed a bunch of random tools like pliers, hammers, scissors. I started to tamper with it until I heard a strange noise. The noise startled me and made me jump back in shock.

'Uh oh better get out of here now' I thought and closed the hood of the car.

As I closed it I heard someone clear their throat. My head shot in the direction of the noise. At the door stood Daddy with beer in his hand he looked really angry.

"Hey kid go back home I'm going to get more beer if you don't I'll hurt you" Daddy said he was angry.

I quickly nodded yes and ran to our apartment. Daddy was scary when he drunk. Usually when he drunk and went out Mommy would yell at him when he got home but Mommy fell asleep.

~Time skip (sorry)

It was late and I sat on the couch watching A movie. I glanced at the digital clock.

12:23 a.m.

'When is Daddy going to come home?' I started to get a little worried.

Just then as if on cue there was a knock at the door. Joy washed over means I quickly hopped off the couch. I ran to the door nearly tripping over my steps and swung it open. Mt frown appeared on my face when I saw it wasn't Daddy, instead of Daddy it was a pretty lady and an ugly old man.

"Little girl is your mother home?" The pretty lady kneeled down and asked.

I shook my head yes and grabbed her arm. Dragging her to the living room where Mommy's motionless body lay. The lady's mouth hung open and she looked at the ugly old man

"Daddy put her to sleep she will wake up soon don't worry we can call you when Daddy gets back" I smiled proudly at them.

They looked at me with a sorry expression on their faces. The ugly old man kneeled down at me and sighed.

"What's your name kid?" He asked

"My name is (Y/N)"

Hey you. Been a short time huh? XD sorry if I made this chapter a bit to dark but you know meh I write some depressing stuff also this book will be pretty depressing and messed up I'm just warning ya know baby ;) anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter or prologue and I will post one everyday leave any requests if you have any and follow me and I follow back baiiiii~ Thatcreepywriter

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