Chapter 11

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Honestly when I saw the girl in the dumpster. I wanted to laugh so hard.

'Did he kill her then fuck her?' I held back my laughter.

I frowned and looked at the girls lifeless body. She had been strangled to death, how could I tell? Well those bruises look like hand prints.

"I can't believe I'm going to say this but....we can't let anyone find out" My uncle sighed and ran his fingers through his (H/C) hair.

I checked her pockets and found a wallet. It had 67$ and a bunch of pictures of.....Tommy!?!? My eyes widened. 

"This is that boys mother!" Anger dripped in my voice.

'Vincent your so dead' I thought.

"Oh god what do we do (Y/N)!" Jeremy flailed his arms and panicked.

'Well I gotta hide this body'

I grabbed the woman's legs and started to climb out of the dumpster. Once I was out I grabbed the lady and slung her over my shoulders.

"We gotta hide her before anyone finds out and she has a kid! She's inside we have to do something about him" I said sternly and walked inside the pizzaria with the dead body.

"But (Y/N)! We have to find the murderer!" Jeremy was in full panicked mode now.

"Jeremy please calm do-"


I let out a deep sigh and ran over to the supply closet before Tommy could notice that I held his dead mother in my hands. Quickly, I shoved the woman in and locked the door and headed out to the dining area. That's where little tommy sat eating his last piece of pizza with Mike, Vincent and Fritz.

A small smirk appeared on my face as I approached the table. I took a seat on the chair across from Vincent and folded my hands in front of me. He raised his purple eyebrows at me in confusion.

"Tommy do you have a dad" I asked still looking at the purple man with a smirk.

"Yeah Daddy should be home now...where's mommy?" He asked worryingly.

"I believe your mommy went home to sleep your daddy will pick you up" A chuckle rung in my head as I looked at the boy.

Tommy only nodded and finished his last peice of pizza. Uncle came I'm with a man who was at least six foot three inches. He had a mustache and looked super buff.

"Tommy!" He exclaimed and ran over to hug the boy.

Tommy squealed as his dad lifted him up and spun him around. A frown was on my face. Memories of my dad started to unravel in my mind. How he abused me, how he killed mom, how he just drank and left me alone. Rage built inside.

'That stupid drunk fuck' I clenched my fists

"Hey (Y/N)? You OK there?" Mike put his hand on my shoulder and I immendiatly snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yeah.....I'm OK" I weakly smiled at the man.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Vincent with five children surounding him. I looked at him with terror, I rubbed my eyes and re opened them to see the children had disappeared. Vincent turned around and looked around. He then looked back at me with a confused face.

"OK guys there is no work tomorrow but I need two of you to stay and watch the building and hide the body" George said with a hint of sadness in his deep voice.

My ears perked up once he said hide the body. I mean I guess I can stay I haven't really drunken my (energy drink) yet so I'll be OK.

"Uncle I'll stay" I raised my hand up with a smirk.

Vincent also stood up and raised his hand.

"Thank you both! Everyone else is dismissed" George said as he exited the building with the other security guards.

I was now left alone with a purple murderer and a dead body at a crime scene. How lovley~... I walked tword the Broom closet and started to drag her body out.

"Hey Grape! You gonna help or what?" I shouted as I dragged the woman down the hall.

It was silent. I then heard his chuckle he appeared in front of me with his infamous grin and black eyes with white dots.

'Aw shit'

He quickly pinned me to the wall with a knife at my neck. Vincent got real close to my face and started to smell my hair.

"You smell super good (Y/N)~" he purred.

He gave my neck a long lick. His hand started to trail down to my breasts. He gently squeezed them as he continued kissing my neck.

"Your something else ya know? I don't understand why I can't kill you ~" He said in between kisses.

His hands started to trail down to my skirt.

'OK there buddy you had fun'

I took my chance and head butted him. He stumbled back wards and let go of his knife. Quickly I grabbed the knife and tackled him onto the floor. He started struggling underneath me. But soon quickly stopped once he saw I held the blade against his neck.

"Heheh I know you killed her~" I coeed into his ear.

"Well you got me what are you going to do kill me? Send me to the police!" Vincent laughed.

I rolled my eyes at the purple man under me. A chuckle escaped my lips as his eyes turned back to normal. He then started to cry. I looked at him with a puzzled look. He sat up and shoved His face in between my chest.

I was taken back. I looked down at him and noticed that he wasn't a grown man. He had turned into a kid!

"H-hey! Why are you crying"

He continued crying. I felt pity tword this man and I started to stroke his purple hair.

~mini time skip

He soon stopped crying but kept his face in between my breasts. I let out a sigh and pulled him away. His eyes were blood shot and tears stained his face.

"Vincent I'm not gonna rat you out. your a friend so don't worry about it. c'mon let's go hide her body ya stupid grape" I said with a goofy smile.

A light pink color covered his cheeks as he nodded.

Hello~ I hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry for any spelling errors I'm getting a laptop soon so I don't have to type all of this on my phone. Enough with my talking. Leave any requests and follow me and I follow back baiiiiiiii~ Thatcreepywriter

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