Chapter 10

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Once we finished our sing we all hopped off stage and went about our business. Taking orders and entertaining kids. I danced my way over to some tables and took orders. On the way there I could hear Vincents conversation with some lady.

"Your pretty cute you know that sweetheart~" vincents faint voice flirted.

"How about you and me in the closet" the ladys voice sounded eager and was drenched with seductiveness.

Anger boiled in me once I saw them walk off. Anger, jealousy, and sadness. But then, there was this funny feeling. A feeling where you know something bad will happen.

I shrugged it off and thought it was my own sadness playing tricks on me.
I went back to my Pirates Cove and danced with the children. Putting in a show with a fake smile. Pretty soon there was a crowd around me.

Everyone cheered for Foxy some children or adults came in and danced with me. But immediately danced their way out. Freddy(Mike) and Chica(Fritz) were in the crowd cheering. Scott and Jeremy watched from a distance and cheered for me as they took orders from people who didn't watch

' Save em' Samantha's voice rung in my head.

I did a flip and ignored the stupid child's voice.

'You can't. Its me. Hate. Death.blood' Casey's voice switched from demonic to an innocent girls voice.

Cold sweat hit me. I stopped dancing and stared at the ground.

'Leave me the fuck alone! Your dead stay dead!' I mentally screamed and clutched my head.

Everyone looked at me Freddy ran over and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey foxy are you alright?" Freddy asked.

'Heheh you can't' Both girls giggled

My eyes widened and my head shot up. I noticed the crowd was staring at me. A blush rose to my face.

"Uh yar! I be alright Freddy!" I screamed with a smile.

He looked at me funny but the nodded. I continued dancing with the children.

~time skip

About four hours passed and no sign of the purple loving fuck. I was taking orders at this table that couldn't decide what they wanted.

"We will take a large Hawaiian pizza!" A little girl no older than eight shouted.

"What! No way we want a pepperoni pizza!" An older boy shouted he looked at about ten years old.

"No we want Hawaiian!"



It went back and forth. Their mother put her head down and groaned. The two children continued bickering and I started doodling on the small notepad.

"We'll take a large sausage pizza" the mother whispered to me.

I nodded and wrote down the order. As I walked off I noticed a boy sitting at a table without an adult. He watched the kids play and he let out a sigh. On instinct I walked over to the boy to see what was wrong.

"Hey there ye landlubber what's wrong with thee?" I asked smiling.

The boy looked up at me. Tears were threatening to spill. He hopped off his chair and hugged my waist. I was taken back but I stroked his hair to calm him down. He cried on my stomach and sniffled.

Murder + Murder = Love!?!? Vincent X (Insane! masochist!) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now