Vanishing Acts

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That's the word that perfectly encapsulates Heizou.

You felt weary, gasping for breath, and utterly drained.

Not only did Inazuma's most skilled detective pursue you, but also the formidable Shogun's Army tailed your every move.

Fortunately for you, you lost them a while back in the city.

All except for Shikanoin.

It was just another minor offense, one you nearly evaded successfully. Rarely caught, and when apprehended, your cunning words managed to extricate you from trouble.

But not this time.

Caught in the act, attempting to pilfer some precious Liyue specialties.

To be fair, the price seemed unreasonable.

Perhaps your past misdeeds had placed you under their scrutiny, yet you never expected this level of attention...

You had managed to flee all the way from Inazuma city to Konda Village, your legs on the verge of collapse. You weren't even certain of your destination—just seeking refuge, any safe haven. Trying to get out of sight, something like that.

In the distance, the ruby trees of Ritou beckoned, granting you a glimmer of hope. Fueled by this distant sight, you mustered the last of your strength, sprinting desperately towards Ritou.

As much as your stomach threatened to empty, you were so close. You were positive you could get lost in the crowd somewhere in Ritou.

Your feet kicked up a whirl of sand and rocks as you dashed through, maneuvering past the guards with determination. 

Urgently bypassing anyone in your path, you hurried towards the docks, yearning to disappear amidst the bustling crowd. Although you managed to put some distance between you and Heizou, it was far from enough.

Yet, you pressed on.

The rhythm of your geta sandals echoed on the wooden planks, drawing curious glances from onlookers. You couldn't afford delays. Swiftly, you sought refuge, the need to hide propelling you forward with a sense of urgency.

Your eyes fixated on a colossal ship adorned with billowing red flags and numerous compartments, poised for departure.

Perfect. An ideal escape route.

Mere centimeters separated the ship from the dock, and you could discern the bustling activities of the crew preparing for the imminent voyage. The vessel's departure seemed imminent, and with its accelerating momentum, reaching it in time felt near impossible. Yet, in the absence of alternatives, you knew you had no other choice but to try.

The ship was quick, and you begged to be quicker.

As the ship drifted away, you picked up your speed once again.

You gasped for air, clutching your chest as you sprinted.

So close.

You neared the edge of the dock, and you only realized how big the ship was.

No time for second thoughts.

You leaped, grabbing onto the ship, holding yourself on.

Your heart pounding in your chest, you clinged on, looking behind you.

On the dock was a dumbfounded Shikanoin Heizou, looking at you with absolute shock.

You scoffed at the sight, smiling a bit to yourself, shocked at your own actions as well.

With the last bit of energy, you climbed up and finally onto the ship.

Collapsing, you looked over the edge at Heizou.

As much as he looked pissed, he also looked just as impressed.

There was a glimmer of grudging admiration in his eyes, making you smile to yourself as you caught your breath.

You dragged and crawled to the boat's side, seeking concealment behind a couple of storage boxes.

Your breathing was labored, the sound echoing in your ears, and your heart pounded furiously, as if it might burst from your chest.

Nausea washed over you, a combination of physical exhaustion and adrenaline, but the relief of having evaded capture prevailed.

Per usual, you had managed to slip away once again.

You questioned if getting on the ship was the best option, but what else could you do.

You certainly were not headed to jail, that's for sure. not even your cunning tongue could save you from the obvious crime you had committed prior. 

As you lay hidden on the ship, catching your breath and contemplating the gravity of your actions, a sense of apprehension crept in. The exhilaration of escape now mingled with the weight of consequences.

In the past, your wit had been your greatest ally, a silver tongue capable of spinning tales that shielded you from trouble. But this time, it seemed the intricacies of your deception were too feeble to cover your tracks.

As the ship sailed onward, you knew that your daring escape had only bought you time. The road ahead would be treacherous, and you'd have to tread carefully, avoiding the relentless pursuit of those you had left behind.

With a mixture of relief and apprehension, you contemplated the uncertain future that lay ahead, knowing that while your escape had been successful for now, the consequences of your actions would eventually catch up with you.

Heizou's unwavering pursuit of justice lingered like a looming shadow, and within, you acknowledged that your respite would be fleeting.

Yet, in the present moment, you allowed yourself a brief moment of reprieve. The fatigue that enveloped you was undeniable, and your body yearned for rest.

As the ship sailed forward, you sought refuge in the sanctum of solitude. The rhythmic lullaby of the ocean's waves cradled you, easing the tension in your weary muscles.

For now, you could cast aside the burden of impending consequences and find solace in the cocoon of darkness that shrouded the ship as night fell. As sleep beckoned, you closed your eyes, preparing to drift away from the world, if only for a little while.

As you rested onboard, well aware of the possibility of discovery, a sense of reassurance washed over you. Your silver tongue, a loyal ally throughout your exploits, could be your saving grace once more.

You understood that the art of deception had its risks, but you had honed your craft to perfection. In the face of scrutiny, your words wove intricate webs of half-truths and clever fabrications, capable of diverting suspicion and redirecting attention away from your true identity.

Though the specter of Heizou's relentless pursuit haunted your thoughts, you embraced this brief moment of peace, knowing that when dawn broke, the weight of your actions and the inexorable grasp of justice would await you once more.

The lullaby of the ocean waves and crew members echoed as eventually you drifted out of consciousness. 

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