A World Of Stories - Part 2

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"EWW! What are you wearing?" asked Connel, looking at me in disgust.

"It's not like you're wearing anything nice either!" I shot back.

"I- Ugh! Who cares anyway. I just made my costume look even better!''Connel said indignantly. She had stuck rhinestones and gems on her apron and spray painted her ugly dirt covered brown boots golden colour.

"You may have made your appearance look pretty, but your personality is a ruthless dumb snake." remarked Avery.

"Okay, babies, stop with the fighting. Instead, help me figure out how to get out of this tower." Danny says to us, rolling his eyes.

"Of course! Anything for you!" Connel cooed.

"First, did you just call us babies!? Second, sure." I said in disbelief.

As my eyes darted around, I saw that we were in a tower made of stone and concrete with one small window and a wooden door.

"Hmm...Isn't this the tower where Rupunzel was locked up?" I thought to myself.

Billie went up to the door and twisted the oval looking bronze handle.

"It's locked." She informed us.

We got on our hands and knees, looking everywhere for something to open the door.

"I found it!" Connel cried out triumphantly, holding the key up for everyone to see. Billie snatched the key out of her hand and examined it. As everyone held their breath, Billie inserted the key into the lock on the door, twisted it and pushed. We let our breath out as the door flew open.

"Come on, let's go." Danny says.

When we got to the end of the broken winding staircase, there was another door. This time, when Avery twisted the round silver handle, it opened.

"Huh. I guess this door isn't locked." I thought.

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