A World Of Stories - Part 6

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"Avery, can you find a bucket of sand for me? Billie, can you buy a long, thin pole? I need it to kill the witch." I requested.

"Sure!" They replied happily.

We were in a colourful market with stalls painted all the colours of the rainbow. I sat down on a nearby wooden bench waiting for my friends to come back. The sun was shining brightly, and I felt myself drifting off to sleep. I woke up to the sound of someone saying my name.

"Hmm.. You guys are back?" I ask, still half asleep.

"Yes." Avery and Billie replied at the same time.

"Come on, we should go. It's getting dark." Billie says.

We walked home, nervous for the next day. The day that could determine whether we could go back or not. The day that would determine whether we would live or die.

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