A World Of Stories - Part 1

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WHAM! A dodgeball slams right into my face and I hit the ground. Unable to breath, I gasp for air. Inky blackness started to fill my eyes. I blinked it away. As I looked around, bewildered, I saw that my class was not wearing their filthy gym clothes. Avery and Billie, my best friends, wore silky smooth dresses. Avery wore a heliotrope coloured dress with laces, looking a lot like Rapunzel. Billie wore a light pink dress with ruffles at the end, mimicking the image of and Sleeping Beauty. The bully, Connel, wore a black crop top with a brown skirt and a white apron tied around her waist. She looked suspiciously like Cinderella. I looked down and saw that I was wearing a puffy blue and white skirt with a white apron tied around my waist.

"Yay!" I thought.

I was dressed as Dorothy. When I looked up again, I saw that Danny, one of the cool boys, wore a silver chestplate and pants.

"Hmm,"?" I pondered "What is he supposed to be"

"I'm a soldier." He informed me, when he caught me looking.

"I knew that." I replied.

I didn't.

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