November 15, 2018
Dear Diary,
I'm sorry for not talking to you for so long. It's been a whirlwind of a month, and I feel like time is slipping through my fingers. But today, I need to pour my heart out, and you're the only one who understands me completely.
I'm upset today. Taehyung is mad at me, and it's breaking my heart. He wanted to go on a date, but I've been swamped with an important project at work for the past two weeks. The deadline is approaching, and I couldn't find much time for him.I know it's not entirely my fault, but deep down, I feel guilty for upsetting the boy I love with my everything.
I tried calling Taehyung countless times, but he hasn't picked up any of my calls. I texted him to apologize, but there's been no reply. The thought of him being upset or even crying after our fight is giving me an unbearable pang in my heart. I can't bear the idea of tears in those beautiful eyes that hold so much warmth and love.
Taehyung's smile is something I can never get enough of. It's like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, brightening up everything around him. His smile is contagious, capable of bringing joy to anyone's face effortlessly. In my eyes, Taehyung is an angel, a precious soul sent by God just for me. The mere thought of it makes my heart race with giddiness.
I want to protect Taehyung from every pain in this world. I'm ready to take on all his share of pain and tears, and in return, I want to give him every happiness possible. He is the most precious thing in my life, my universe. Everything else seems insignificant compared to the love I have for him.
Once this project is over, I promise myself and to you, dear diary, that I will make it up to Taehyung. We'll go on so many dates, creating beautiful memories together. I'll cherish him like he's the most valuable treasure, because that's exactly what he is to me.
Right now, I'm at a loss for what to do. I won't be able to sleep, knowing that Taehyung is mad at me. He's not picking up my calls, and I feel helpless. I've decided to paint a little to distract myself and express my emotions. I'll paint Taehyung's portrait, capturing his radiant smile and giving it to him as an apology, a token of my love.
I hope this gesture will help mend things between us. I want to hold Taehyung in my arms, kiss away his worries, and promise to be there for him, no matter what. I'll wait for him, be patient, and hope that he forgives me soon.
With a heart full of love and regret,

Whispers in the Pages
Fanfiction"Dear Diary, Today, I met him again. Kim Taehyung. His laughter is infectious, and his smile lights up my world like the stars in the night sky. I can't help but feel drawn to him, as if our souls have been intertwined across time. He has a way of m...