Diary entry 32

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June 11, 2019

Ugh, diary, I'm sitting here on the couch outside our bedroom like a whiny baby, and it's all because of a silly argument over Yeontan. Can you believe it? Taehyung wanted to sleep with Yeontan between us, and I, being the jealous and clingy husband that I am, didn't like the idea one bit.

I mean, who wouldn't want to cuddle with such a handsome man like me all night long? Taehyung should consider himself lucky to have me as his husband. But no, he got all mad at me and threw me out of the bedroom, then locked the door! Can you believe it, diary? How could he do that to his cute husband?!

Now I have to spend the night on the couch. Taehyung has some nerve, I tell you! But you know what? I'm not giving up. I'm hoping he'll come to his senses and open the door, letting me sleep with him peacefully. After all, we're married, and I should get to sleep beside my husband every night!

On the bright side, I can see the beautiful city lights of Seoul from the window. The city lights, like scattered diamonds are adorning the skyline, creating an ethereal dance of colors that seemed to ripple through the night sky. The darkness seem to deepen towards the horizon. It's quite mesmerizing, but honestly, I'd trade all these city lights just to be back in our cozy bedroom with Taehyung.

My left arm is still hurting a lot. It's been happening more frequently, and I blame it on the overburdening work at the office. Sitting for hours and typing those darn numbers and codes is taking a toll on me. I need to take better care of myself.

I guess it's time for me to try and sleep now. I'm exhausted, and my arm is giving me trouble. I wish Taehyung would open the door and let me in, but it seems like I'll be spending the night on this couch. Oh well, maybe I'll make myself a little pillow fort or something to pass the time.

Take care, dear diary, and rest well. Hopefully, I'll get a good night's sleep somehow, even without my husband's warm embrace. But I can't wait for Taehyung to realize that he can't resist my charm for too long!

Goodnight, diary.

With a pout and a little hope,


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