Diary entry 27

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March 6, 2019

Dear diary,

Today was the day I've been waiting for, for what feels like eternity. Taehyung and I are finally married, and I can hardly contain my overflowing emotions. As I write this, my heart is still dancing with joy, and I can't wait to share every detail with you.

Can you believe it? I feel like I won the lottery!

Taehyung is in washroom taking a shower, i couldn't control my emotions so I came running to you. Lemme tell how how this wonderful day became the best day of my life.

The day began with a mix of excitement and nervousness. . The insecurities couldn't replace the excitement of getting married to Taehyung. The church was adorned with pink and white roses, and it felt like stepping into a floral paradise. I must admit, I did feel like a Disney prince waiting for his princess, except my princess was more like a dashing prince with a dazzling smile!

Standing at the altar, I anxiously awaited Taehyung's arrival, surrounded by our loved ones, showering us with their blessings. He was taking too much time, at a point, i wanted to get him there myself.

Like who make such a handsome man wait?

Time must have taken a vacation because it dragged like a snail on a leisurely stroll. I was anxious and fidgeting with my black suit, hoping to look like a million bucks. But, honestly, I was just trying not to trip over my own feet in front of everyone! I mean, that would've been a legendary wedding entrance, but not exactly what I had in mind.

I wantes to look my best for the most significant day of my life. Jimin teased me, saying Taehyung wouldn't come, but deep down, I knew my soon-to-be husband was just as eager for this marriage as I was.

And then, the moment arrived. The church doors opened, and there he was, my Taehyung, looking absolutely breathtaking. Clad in a white suit with elegant embroidery on his shoulder, he carried a bouquet of red roses, but his radiant smile outshone any flower. His dark locks cascading over his forehead, his sparkling brown eyes captured my heart all over again.

I can't even begin to describe how beautiful he looked walking towards me, every step making my heart beat faster. His happiness reflected in his eyes, and I felt like the luckiest person in the universe.

As his father placed Taehyung's hand in mine, tears of joy pricked my eyes. Taehyung's presence next to me felt like a dream come true. Everyone,including Taehyung, laughed at me for crying like a baby!! Hmpff!! Who does that to a man on his wedding?

Can't he be happy enough to not able to control his tears now?I wanted to shout to the world that he was mine, that I was the one lucky enough to have him as my husband.

I don't know what was so cute about me crying on altar that everyone started cooing at me.

This is cheating!!!

All of them had teamed up to make me blush in embarrassment.


When the priest asked us to take our marriage vows, my heart nearly burst with emotions. I had practiced and practiced, but when the moment came, my brain decided to take a coffee break!

I promised Taehyung that life is a journey and I want to walk it with Taehyung by my side even if our relationship has its ups and downs. I promised that even if we fight, even if our opinions differ at some point, I will always try to understand Taehyung amd that I will always keep him happy.

Diary, I don't know what furure holds but I promise myself that I will never let Taehyung go to bed crying. You know what is the it that i hates the most, diary? It's tears and sadness in Taehyung's beautiful eyes. I hate silence on his lips and hesitation in his actions. He is born to be happy. Taehyung is a pure soul and deserves all the happiness of the world and I'll make sure to bring smiles and more reasons to be happy in his life.

I hate the thought of seeing helplessness in Taehyung's eyes, and I promised myself to do everything in my power to make him smile. I vowed that my love for him would endure beyond this life, that it was a love that transcended time and space.

Pretty basic stuff, right? But honestly, Taehyung could have given a speech on quantum physics, and I would've thought it was the most romantic thing ever.

What made me emotional were promises Taehyung made to me. He vowed to always stay with me through thick and thin. He also promised that he will be there to wipe my tears in my sorrows and hug me to peace whenever I will be restless. He said he will always respect my decisions and will trust me with his everything.

Diary, I was so happy when he promised that he will always love me till his last breath. He said he is mine till eternity now. He said he hands over his heart and happiness to me and now I will have to take care of it. He promised that we will celebrate all happiness together and will face all the hard times holding each other's hand I was moved to tears witnessing his deep emotions for me.

It was so overwhelming. I had to subtly wipe my eyes because there's no crying at weddings, right?

The ring ceremony left my hands trembling as I slid the ring onto his finger, a simple act that brought so much happiness to my Taehyung. He got all teary-eyed and emotional over a tiny ring! Just as I imagined, he loved the ring and hugged me right there in front of everyone. I was smiling like an idiot But hey, that's true love, right? It's the little things that matter the most.

I can't even begin to describe the love I have for him. Every moment with him feels like a fairytale, and my emotions for him intensify with each passing day. I feel like I'm floating in the air, surrounded by pure bliss.

I can't help but smile, knowing he's finally my husband. Tonight is our first wedding night, and I'm both thrilled and nervous. I want to show him just how much he means to me, to love and cherish him with all my heart. Today, I will love him until the dawn and the time will witness our love making.

I am going to cherish him. He is mine now and I won't let a chance slip to show him just how precious he is to me.

I have to go now, dear diary. The love of my life is about to join me, and I can't wait to start this new chapter of our lives together. Wish me luck for tonight, as it is a night full of love and cherished memories.

With love and happiness,




I feel like i am witnessing a beautiful love story with my own eyes!! How about you??

Aaahhhh!! They are finally married 🥳🥳

And tonight is going to be a long one... Ahem ahem!!

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