Chapter 1

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A/N: Whoooo another mini fic! This will be mostly Niam with hints of Thiam!! But I'd overall a Niam fanfic so if that isn't your thing, feel free to skip this fic!

A/N: This fic is set at 6x11 where we first see Nolan, it will be similar to a re write fic but with a Niam twist on it! There will be 10 chapters, each to re write the finale 10 episodes of season 6! There will be thiam mentions and scenes but not romantically, I hope y'all enjoy <3

Liam's eyes fluttered open, his hand was resting on his boyfriends chest. "Babe, wake up..." his voice sang, his chipper morning attitude was something Liam would never get used to.

"I hate mornings," Liam groaned, rolling to the side only to realise Nolan was already up and out of bed.

"Come on, we have practice this morning," Nolan smiled, opening the curtains and blinding Liam in the process.

"Ewe," Liam complained, moving his hands to the side to block out the obnoxious light that was invading his vision. "Too bright—" Liam grumbled rolling over.

Nolan laughed "stop complaining and wake up," he said.

When Liam didn't budge he shook him, "wake up," Nolan sang. Liam took that chance to grab him and pull him over, now Nolan was laying on top of Liam's chest.

"Let's stay in bed," Liam said making Nolan laugh.

"We can't, we have practice," Nolan replied, although truthfully he'd love to stay in bed with Liam all day. He had grown quite attached to him, he hated when they'd separate or when Liam would have to do study sessions with his friends.

They studied a lot, and yet Liam's grades hadn't gone up that much. It puzzled Nolan but everytime he questioned Liam he would manage to change the subject or give him the same answer. Nolan had felt like Liam was hiding something, but he wasn't quite sure what it was.

Nolan looked up with those bright blue eyes, "it's my first day babe, I can't make any wrong move I have to make the right impression," Nolan said making Liam smile.

"You'll do great," he said placing a kiss upon Nolan's lips.

"I hope so, what if they don't like me? I know the coach can be a bit harsh.. and I've only just transferred to beacon hills.. what if he hates me? Or what if-" Nolan rambled, Liam's hand cupping his cheek made him pause.

"No what ifs, you'll do great and they'll love you, coach doesn't like anyone so don't worry if he yells. Just do your best and you'll do great," Liam said, his hand rubbing Nolan's cheek.

"Are you going to be there?" Nolan asked.

Liam smiled, "of course, Scott wants me to practice more anyways so I'll be there too," Liam confirmed. Scott, this Scott guy was annoying. Always taking Liam's attention from him, Nolan didn't even know who this guy was. They had never met.

"I'll get to meet Scott," Nolan piped up noticing the way Liam went stiff.

"Yh yeah you will, he's the assistant coach now." he shrugged trying to brush it off.

"Why don't you want me to meet him?" Nolan asked.

The pair had been dating for a few months, Liam had desperately tried to keep Nolan out of everything to do with the supernatural world. He didn't want anything to happen to him or anyone to hurt him. He tried so hard to keep them separated but with Nolan now at Beacon Hills High, that was already proving to make things more difficult.

"I'm not?" Liam denied, god if Nolan was a werewolf he would have heard his heart skip.

Nolan let out an obvious sigh, "I'm not going to think less of you because of your friends," Nolan said.

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