Chapter 3

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A/N: Sooo like I said each chapter represents an episode of teen wolf 6B! So here is chapter 6x13 Niam style bAhaha enjoy <3

A/N: violence, fighting & swearing

Liam whipped his head around, Scott's roar in the distance sending signals through his mind. Thankful that Nolan was asleep beside him, he didn't see his eyes change gold. Pushing the sheet down he slipped out of bed, "hmm?" Nolan groaned.

"I'll be back," Liam whispered, placing a kiss on his forehead and making sure the blankets tucked around Nolan's smaller frame.

"Don't go," Nolan whined, his eyes still closed.

"I will be back, I promise," Liam said, grabbing Nolan's hand and rubbing it.

"Why do you always leave at night time?" Nolan asked, his eyes opening as he met Liam's gaze.

"What can I say, I'm a night owl," Liam laughed nervously.

Nolan sighed, "I don't like this, it feels like you're hiding something from me..." Nolan said, questioning Liam's trust.

The beta frowned, "what do you mean?" He asked.

"The night at the library... I know what I saw," Nolan said, his blue eyes dilating as he spoke.

Liam felt his heart rate increase, "I told you I didn't see anything.." Liam said.

Even Liam knew he was a bad liar. "Do you think it was a bear attack?" Nolan asked.

"Well if that's what the police said than yes," Liam replied making Nolan shake his head.

"What if it was something else? Something supernatural... my friend, Gabe-" Nolan began but Liam cut him off.

"Since when do you hang out with Gabe?" He asked, taken back.

Nolan shrugged, "Monroe suggested I speak to him...he was there that night too and he said he saw a beast, it had claws and fangs... so did Scott," Nolan said, his voice trailing into a whisper.

Liam snorted, hiding his anxiety "I don't think beasts and monsters exist," he said, "try and go back to sleep I'll be back later," he added, placing a kiss upon Nolan's forehead.

Grabbing a red jacket and slipping on some pants he exited the room. Nolan sighed, grabbing his phone and seeing a text from Gabe. 'Did he go?' Gabe asked. Nolan but his lip anxiously, 'he did'.

'Good, we will show you the truth. Meet us at the preserve' Gabe texted. Nolan but his nail, was he really about to do this? Was he about to go behind Liam's back?

Why not.

Liam was definitely hiding something and Nolan was determined to figure out what it was. Gabe and Monroe had given him the chance to find out the truth, he didn't believe in the supernatural but maybe, just maybe it was real.

Tonight, he would find out...


Liam stood with Scott and Malia, his palms sweaty and his messy hair was pushed back. "Here, I think he set a trap—" Liam said pointing at the arrow.

Scott sighed, "Brett, he's fighting back."

Malia nodded, "And now we know he's alive,"

Lori interrupted "But he's still hurt. We need to find him-- he needs to know we're here," she stated.

Malia flicked her a look "You want the Hunter to know we're here, too?"

Liam sighed, "He's new. We can take him," he said.

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