Chapter 6

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A/N: New chapter! Let's goooooo

Mason walked forward, with Corey and Liam trailing behind him. The pair were invisible, Mason was trying his best to lead them through the students without being suspicious but it wasn't that easy, "Hurry it up, please?" Corey whispered feeling anxious.

"Yeah—okay," Mason muttered, brushing past more students.

"This is crazy. We can take them X" Liam whispered, he hated this. The whole situation was ridiculous and stupid.

Mason saw Gabe and quickly turned around, "Okay, turn around, turn around, turn around," he said.

Unfortunately, when he turned out he was met with Nolan, the nervous boy's hand in his pocket. "Oh, hey, Nolan..." Mason said with an anxious tone.

"I'm sorry," Nolan said, pulling his hand from his pocket he revealed a powdery substance.

Before anyone could react, he threw it in the air, completely mesmerised by the way Corey and Liam were suddenly visible. It was true, they were one of them. They were supernatural; and they were the enemy. Gabe was right.

Liam's panicked and betrayed eyes met Nolan's but before he could react, he felt hands gripping his shoulders and he was thrown to the ground. He was afraid, not of them. He was afraid of himself, he didn't want to hurt them especially Nolan.

Gabe hoisted him up and led him to an empty classroom, throwing Liam to the ground he watched as he slid across the floor. Liam's eyes glowed and his fangs momentarily bared. He could do this, he had to do this.

"Get up! Get up!" Nolan shouted standing behind him, watching as Liam used his fists to push himself up only for Gabe to kick him back down.

Nolan winced as he watched his former partner fall back to the ground, "What are you trying to hide, Liam? Your eyes?"

Gabe gripped Liam's shirt and lifted him up, throwing him against the chalkboard. "Open your eyes!" Gabe growled, only once he felt calm enough did he do so. He immediately looked to Nolan, betrayal plain on his face

Nolan gave him his response with a punch to the face, he straightened himself back up as a small trail of blood leaked from his nostril. He wiped it and as he did Mason tried to run into the room, "Hey! Hey, let him go!" Mason yelled. Liam waved his hand to him as if to tell him 'I've got this, I can do this'.

Liam turned back to Nolan, "Are you just going to let us do this to you?" he asked. Before Liam could respond Gabe threw a punch, landing against Liam's nose. More blood began to pool from it as Nolan gripped his face.

"You know you can take us. All you have to do is change," Nolan said, their faces inches apart. He hated this, he didn't want to hurt Liam but he couldn't let Liam hurt him either. Liam was one of them, he was a monster.

He wasn't the same person who would calm him down during an anxiety attack, the same person who would scratch his back until he fell asleep... no. He was a killer, he had claws and fangs, he was a monster.

"The sun..." Liam choked out, blood dripping into his mouth and coating his usual white teeth.

"What?" Nolan asked confused, was that some kind of spell? Could werewolves cast spells now?

"The sun... the moon... the truth..." Liam said through shaly breaths.

Nolan turned to Gabe, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" he asked confused, Gabe shrugged.

"Who cares," Gabe said, pushing Nolan back and punching Liam across the face. Watching as Liam scrambled to his knees, his palms open.

Liam let out a distressed sound, his eyes flashing gold for a second. Only Nolan caught it, "You're fighting it. But you can't hold back forever," Nolan said, leaning closer as he spoke. Before anything else could happen, Ms Finch entered the room.

Mason stood at the door way, being held back by three people he stared at Liam with saddened eyes. "Do something!" he yelled turning to face Ms Finch, she backed away.

"Sometimes it's... it's best to let them work things out on their own," she said, with that she was exiting the classroom.

Liam gave Mason a saddened look, he knew he couldn't keep this up much longer. Gabe wrapped his hand in Liam's hair and with a firm grip he raised his knee. Connecting it with Liam's face he watches as the beta fell onto his back, Nolan took that chance to drag him out into the centre of the classroom.

"Hey! What the hell is going on?!" Coach yelled, his voice startling Gabe and Nolan. "Back off!" Coach yelled, grabbing Gabe and Nolan by the back of their shirts and pushing them towards the door, "Hey! Get to the principal's office! Now!" he snapped.

Looking around he noticed the audience that had circled Liam's bloodied body, "What the hell is this? Get out! All of you! I can't stand to look at your faces!" he roared, giving them all a look of filth. Mason immediately rushed to Liam's side, with Corey on the other.

Watching as Corey and Mason helped Liam stand back up, he heard the young boy grunt. "Come on! Let's go!" Coach said until Liam was fully standing on his feet.

"I can't believe you did that," Mason said in shock, upon seeing his best friends bloodied face.

"Clark Kent, right?" Liam said, leaning forward he rested his face on Mason's jacket feeling exhausted.

"Yeah. Clark Kent," Mason said softly, putting an arm around his friend and giving Corey a nod in appreciation for getting Coach.

"I'll get our stuff and meet you outside," Corey said, patting Liam on the back before exiting the room.

"Let's go," Mason said, leading Liam towards the exit of the school and towards his car. "I know what you were doing" Mason said balancing Liam and walking towards his car.

"Trying not to shift?" Liam said as if it was obvious, but Mason knew better.

"No, you took that beating because you think you deserve it, because of what happened to Brett and Lori."

"Maybe I do," Liam said looking down, although he had begun to heal it didn't stop the aching in his heart.

"You took a beating, but you didn't deserve it," Mason said making sure Liam knew that.

"I know I didn't kill him-- a Hunter did, and she has a name" Liam declared.

"Yeah, and she's also got new recruits, too. See, Nolan's not the only one you gotta worry about now" Mason said.

"You mean Gabe?"

"No. I mean, like, everyone. Nolan didn't just want you to shift in front of everyone to show them that you're a Werewolf. He wanted to show everyone that you're the enemy," Liam nodded.

"That we should be hunted..." he realised.

Published: 7th September 2023

Word count: 1154

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