The familiar two-toned silver and navy truck parked beside them on the dirt road. Paul's arm stuck out the window, motioning Driana to get in. She sighed, wishing them to stay safe before sitting in the passenger seat. Driana turned around, watching Sam and Jared head back into the woods toward Forks. Paul began driving.
"Where are we going?" Driana asked.
"The beach," Paul answered, focused on the road.
It was a short distance that felt like forever. The pair made no move to stare at the other or create a conversation. The day Paul comforted her was mainly tears and rants. Paul did his best to keep her secret. But to no avail, Sam and Jared found out from the mind link they shared. Sam and Jared did their best to support her. However, they made comments about vampires.
Paul turned off the car, drumming his fingers along the steering wheel. "Do you want to stay in the car or take a walk?"
"Uhm," Driana pursed her lips. "We can take a walk."
Paul got out of his truck, and Driana followed in pursuit. They fell into step, walking side by side. Driana eased herself by staring at the trees, feeling relieved as the sound of the ocean became louder. Paul led the way down first, turning around to gaze up at her.
"Careful, you might slip."
Driana slowly made her way down, arms out slightly for balance. "I'll be fine."
He continued on the path. "I've heard that before."
"I tripped once!"
"A couple of times."
"Then, twice!"
Paul scoffed, shaking his head. He slowed down, knowing that every step he took meant twice for Driana as she was shorter than average. It didn't matter. There was no need to rush. Sam and Jared would find Bella soon at nightfall. The sun was heading on its way to set.
"What have you been up to?" Driana questioned, trying to avoid awkward tension.
Paul shrugged. "I regularly deal with Sam. I already have a dad. I don't need another one."
"Sam has his reasons. Besides, we're all aware of how temperamental you are. We wouldn't want any accidents, right?"
"Really?" Paul asked, giving a flat look.
"It's fine." He stared at her, speaking cautiously. "What about you?"
Driana bit the inside of her cheek, unable to form words. Sure, she went out of the house sometimes but stayed home most of the time. There wasn't much to do besides oversleeping and eating whenever she felt like it. She stayed in bed, browsing the internet once in a while. It defined another day after day for her. Whenever Ms. Berold came home, the woman would be too tired from work to notice. Driana and her mother would sit on the couch and quietly watch television, nothing more.
"It's the same as it's always been," Driana answered.
"Then, how are you feeling?"
"I don't... know."
And with that, they returned to silence. Paul found a suitable log, dusted off the sand, and gestured for Driana to sit with him. The tension began to fade, immersing themselves in the waves that doused the rocks and sand. The golden hour finally came. Driana turned to look at Paul, who doodled on the ground. She smiled, grabbing a twig to draw beside his creations. She started small, and Paul smirked as he went over her piece. The pair became competitive, rivaling against the other before sword fighting with the sticks. They chased each other down the beach, laughing. Defeating Paul by blocking his aim, he resorted to splashing water directly at Driana. In shock, she cackled, throwing water onto his shirt. Driana and Paul tried forcing the other to go down in the water. Paul restrained his strength, aware that he was stronger. However, Driana never held back, knowing she could never push him into the water. An unsuspecting wave crashed into them, causing the pair to become soaked.
"Ugh! My clothes!" Driana complained.
"You're joking, right?" Paul started chuckling. "Your shoes were soaked ever since, yet you only complain about your outfit?"
"Shut it, Paul."
"Let's head back to the truck. We'll probably dry off along the way."
Heading on their way, they bantered. It was as if the tension never existed between them. Paul opened the truck door, fishing out extra shorts and a tee. He kept an emergency bag filled with clothes should he transform unexpectedly. In thought, he pulled out a shirt, handing it to Driana. She shyly took it, ordering Paul to look away as she went further into the forest to change out of her damp shirt. Returning, Paul began to laugh, earning a glare from her. They hopped inside the truck, with the engine roaring to life, and exited the beach.
"I can't believe your stereo's still broken," Driana commented, eyeing the hole Paul created during one of his previous fights with his father.
"If you wanted to listen to music, you could've asked," Paul humored. He stayed quiet before turning to Driana with a soft smile. "Good news."
"What is it?"
"They found Chief Swan's daughter."
Driana sighed in relief. "That's good!"
Paul paused for a moment, then continued speaking. "They're holding a bonfire up at the old hill."
"That's sudden." Driana furrowed her brows. "Why?"
"No more cold ones," Paul hesitated to say. "It's a celebration of the Cullens leaving the town."
And just like that, her smile disappeared.

Her New Moon
Fanfiction"𝕀 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕒𝕗𝕖. 𝕃𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕒𝕥 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕕." NOTE: Driana Colrir is my OC. Events will follow the Twilight Saga movie and book series. Some scenarios, timelines, and characters do not exist in the series. This is a fanfi...