The engine cut off, and a door slam caught Driana and Emily's attention. The familiar call of Jared and Embry eased Emily. She was about to announce Driana's presence, but Driana peered from between the rails, shaking her head at Emily. The older girl nodded her head in understanding, continuing on the muffins.
"I think we should go back and see if Jacob's okay!" Driana heard a familiar frantic voice suggest.
"Have Paul sink some teeth in him," Jared chirped, causing Driana to raise her brows. "Serves him right."
"No way!" Embry disagreed. "Jacob's a natural. Have you seen him phase on the fly? I bet five that Paul doesn't touch him."
"Easy money!" Jared accepted. "Paul's fought longer, a veteran."
"Come on in, Bella!" Embry told her. "We won't bite."
"Speak for yourself," Jared scoffed, nearing the door.
The truck door slammed shut, followed by slow footsteps.
"About Emily, Sam's fiancée, don't stare," Embry ordered. "It bugs Sam."
Jared and Embry entered the house, noticing Driana on the stairs. The girl quickly waved her hands, reminding them of Bella's presence. The timid girl stepped inside the house, and Driana hid herself. Emily picked up a plate of muffins.
"Are you guys hungry? Like I have to ask," She chuckled, unaware of Bella's presence. Jared and Embry snatched a couple of muffins before sitting at the round table. Their actions made Emily turn around but pause to stare at the unfamiliar girl. "Who's this?"
"Bella Swan," Jared said, staring at Emily as if it were obvious. "Who else?"
"So," Emily rose a brow, "You're the vampire girl." She continued plating more muffins.
Bella diverted her eyes from Emily's face, focusing on the muffins. "Are you the wolf girl?" She assumed, making the three laugh. Driana smiled, hoping things would go smoothly, considering that this was Bella's first time meeting the pack and Emily properly.
"I guess so," Emily nodded. She walked over to place the muffins on the table. "Well, I am engaged to one." Jared reached for another muffin, but Emily hit his head with a wooden spoon. "Save some for your brothers. And ladies first!" She scolded, turning to Bella. "Are you hungry, Bella? Go ahead and grab a muffin."
"Jared, you pig," Driana and Embry spoke simultaneously.
Bella hesitantly grabbed a muffin, nibbling at its edge. Her eyes lit up, causing Emily and Driana to smile in satisfaction. Emily grabbed a big, yellow bowl, whisking dozens of eggs. Pushing her sleeves that constantly went down, Driana noted Bella staring at the scars.
"I can't believe you figured out our secret," Embry snorted, shaking his head.
"Leave it to Jacob to find a way around Sam's gag orders," Emily commented.
"It's a wolf thing," Embry informed Bella, munching on the muffin. "Alpha's orders get obeyed whether we want to or not." He leaned forward, holding her interest. "And get this, we can hear each other's thoughts."
"Would you shut up?" Jared told Embry. "These are trade secrets!" He pointed at Bella with a muffin in his hand.
Three heartbeats made Driana perk up. The front door opened, revealing Sam, Paul, and Jacob entering the house. Jacob and Paul bantered like brothers, shoving each other. Paul discreetly looked for Driana before quickly raising his brows as a greeting in her direction. He took a muffin, staring at Bella.
"Sorry," He said cockily, taking a bite of the muffin.
Sam opened his arms, his eyes lighting up. "Emily," He said breathlessly. Crossing the room, he hugged Emily before cupping her face and smothering her with kisses. Emily giggled at the amount of affection Sam gave her.
"Hey, stop!" Jared complained. "I'm eating."
"Then eat," Sam said, rolling his eyes before kissing Emily.
"Ew!" Embry fake-gagged, shoving the entire muffin in his mouth.
"Man!" Jared groaned, pointing at Paul's arm with faint lines.
"Five bucks!" Embry whooped, slapping Jared's arm.
"Jacob," Sam called, keeping Emily close to him. "Go ahead."
Jacob stood by Bella's side, sighing. "The red-head is after Bella. Last year, the Cullens killed her mate. It wasn't D-" Jacob stopped after hearing Driana's warning. "It was a different reason."
"We got bait," Jared said suggestively. Jacob aimed for Jared's head using a can-opener. Jared caught it with ease. "She's just a girl, though."
"And she's not bait," Jacob retorted.
"We'll leave spots empty for her to take," Sam said. "If she falls for it, we can round her up."
"What if she gets too close to the rez?" Embry asked. "Quil might become one of us."
"He won't," Jacob assured, though fear clouded his eyes.
Everyone stayed quiet, thinking of Quil. Even Driana shook her head, knowing he'd meet the same fate. Bella placed the muffin down on the counter, standing straight. She looked around the room, and Driana pushed herself back.
"You guys will be safe, right?" Bella asked.
The pack laughed at her, and Bella turned a shade of red. Driana snorted at their reaction, quietly laughing at how cocky they were. Despite the wolves' fast healing abilities, they could still end up much worse than injured.
"Come on, Bella," Jacob ushered her out of the house. "Of course, we'll be fine."
Driana hurried down the steps, wrapping her arms around Paul. "What did you do?"
"He tried to attack Bella after she discovered about us," Jared snickered.
"Paul!" Driana scolded, whacking his head.

Her New Moon
Fanfiction"𝕀 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕒𝕗𝕖. 𝕃𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕒𝕥 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕕." NOTE: Driana Colrir is my OC. Events will follow the Twilight Saga movie and book series. Some scenarios, timelines, and characters do not exist in the series. This is a fanfi...