|Chapter Thirteen|

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"Briar-" I hear Noah say as we enter the apartment, but my focus is on the beautiful woman perched on my couch. Her raven hair is pin straight and falls to the middle of her back. Her bright blue eyes are piercing and a stark contrast to the blood red of her lipstick. Her skin is pale and flawless. She's wearing a red dress that looks expensive and also seems to be tailormade for her slim body. I think I've seen her before but I can't remember where.

"Are you listening to me? Why aren't you going in?" Noah says pushing the door all the way open. The beautiful woman smirks at Noah as he registers her presence on the couch. Noah curses as he pushes me behind him, and the woman laughs, the sound is like tinkling bells.  He doesn't move his hand from where he shoved me behind him, his large hand a comfort in the wake of a stranger being in my home.

"Come in Sebastian, introduce me to your new pet," she calls from the couch, not changing her posture from the relaxed demeanor. Like this is her house, not mine.

"What are you doing here, Lilith?"

"Oh, I think you know why I'm here, Sebastian," her expression turns dark as she narrows her eyebrows at him.

"You are too old to be this insecure," I gasp at the harshness of his words. The pretty woman, Lilith looks like she's about to turn him to stone. It's the first expression she's made other than smug. Noah takes his arm off my waist where he had pushed me behind him to cross his arms over his chest.

"You're going to pay for that," she seethes, baring her perfect teeth.

She waves her hand and I wonder idly what she's doing a second before my airwave is completely shut off. I try to gasp in as much air as I can, but nothing is coming in. My lungs are starting to burn, and my eyes water.

"What are you-?"

I reach out to Noah and he turns to see me struggling to breathe.

"Lilith release her or I will send you back to the Abyss," he yells at her, his voice is suddenly deeper and more commanding.

"You won't be able to do that and save her.  Say you're sorry and I'll let her breathe," she says examining her nails.

"Fine, I'm sorry I called you old, release her," he says with not an ounce of sincerity. I grip his arm as stars start to dance behind my eyes. I'm going to pass out.

"Like you mean it, Sebastian, or I will kill her."

"Alright, Lilith, you win. I'm sorry, please let her go," he says, I can finally hear concern in his voice. I can't hold onto him anymore, I'm too weak and my knees give out. Noah catches me a second before I hit the ground. "Now, Lilith!" He booms and she startles and I can breathe again.

"I'll see you tonight after you put your human to bed, I'd hate to have to come back here," Lilith winks at Noah before disappearing before my eyes.  Noah is still holding me up and now that the threat is gone he turns his attention to me.  Concern rolls off of him in waves as his eyes dart over my face, then my body, and back to my eyes.  I am gasping in as much air as I can while he checks me over.  His large hands cradle my face while he pours his magic into me and I can  breathe easily again.

"Friend of yours?" I ask, it comes out raspy with the violence that was just done to me.  I go to the kitchen to get a glass of water,  trying to flush the damage out.

"Hardly," he scoffs.

"No, Sebastian, you don't get to sweep this under the rug.  She was in my house, she tried to kill me," I am all but yelling at him, finally getting my voice back.

"Fine, she's someone I fuck sometimes.  I left her... unsatisfied the last time I saw her and now she's trying to punish me."

"Why did you lie to me about your name?" I ask, quieter now.  For some reason, it hurts he didn't want me to know his name.

Unholy | Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now