Part 32

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⚠️ SH⚠️
⚠️ mentions of suicide⚠️

Mattheo's POV

It's been a couple days since the ball, 4 days to be exact.

Allie hasn't left her dorm, she is barley eating I think she had 1 small biscuit yesterday and that's all she had.

She won't let anyone in, molly had tried, Jake has tried, Evelyn, Benjamin, I've even tried yet she won't open her god damn door.

We've had classes and she hasn't attended any, we leave notes, work, assignments and homework outside her door. Then at some point during the night she takes it in does the homework or assignments and leaves them finished outside of the door.

Molly is currently living in Enzo's room, her Theodore and Enzo are living together and trust me Theodore is not happy.

But I've had enough, I'm not letting her rot away in her room. I'm not letting her kill herself because I won't be able to live without her.

I get off my bed and make me way out of my dorm, I slowly walk towards Enzo's dorm to get molly.

I knock on the door and Theodore opens it. "Can you please take your sister, she is driving me nuts in here" I look past him "that's actually why I'm here, Molly get your ass over here we're getting Allie out of the dorm."

Molly gets up and rushes over to me, "wait really" "yes I need to know that she is alive, plus I sort of miss her"

"Okay what are you waiting for let's go" she says walking off down the corridor.

I jog over to her and we make our way to Daphne's dorm, as Jake spends most of his free time in their.

Molly knocks on the door and then walks in "Jake get your ass up, we're making sure your sisters alive" she says

He doesn't say anything he just gets up and walks over to us.  We all say by to Daphne before walking to Allie's dorm.

"So who's knocking first?" Molly asks

"She won't answer if we knock" I say

"So what are we going to do then, how are we getting her out of the dorm" Jake says

"Magic" I say pulling out my wand

"What do you mean by magic" Molly says

"I mean I'm going to use magic to open the door"

"Oh, why haven't any of us thought of that" she says

"I don't know but I need to make sure she is ok so move" I say going over to the door

They both step away "Alohomora" I whisper

We hear a click so I twist the handle and open the door.

I step in first to see Allie asleep on her bed. I walk over to her and see dried blood stains on her wrists.

Molly and Jake walk over and see the blood. I look up at Jake and he has tears in his eyes and molly looks in disbelief.

"Allie" I whisper in her ear

"Allie, come on get up" I whisper again

She opens her eyes and sees all of us. "Go away"

"No, we are here for you" Molly says walking closer

"You don't need to be here for me, it's better if I just died" she mumbled

"Don't you dare ever say that" I say

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