Chapter 5; Scissors

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Liberty opens her eyes and gazes around the room wondering where she is and how she got there.  She sees a bunch of metal contraptions and lights flickering on and off she also notices the tube stuck to her arm, the tube that keeps making the drippy noise. When all of a sudden her bubbly mother comes rushing in.

     “Liberty? Liberty are you alright?” The frantic woman begins questioning.  The little girl doesn’t reply but only stares her mother in the eye thinking to the videos her doll showed her.  Did this worrywart really do that? No of course not, that was most likely a dream she figured and then smiled.

     “Mommy I am okay. Why don’t I remember?” Liberty asks looking all around the white room once more.  Liberty did remember she remembered her ‘dream’.

     The jumpy woman looks to the doctor standing next to the bed whom is currently looking over a clip board of files.

      “Ahem, well we believe this little girl fainted due to lack of blood sugar.” He said quickly as if he was ready to jet out of the room. 

     “So can’t I just take her home and give her a box of doughnuts.” Her mom angrily yelled.

     “Marie, Marie I would not suggest that, make sure you give your daughter the well balanced diet she deserves but make sure sugar goes into her system.” The doctor consoled.  “And yes you may take her home but we need some forms filled out so if you would please step out in the hallway?” He asked with a hint of irritation in his voice.  Marie nodded and followed the man knocking a table over in the process with her huge purse.

     “You need to watch….” Her mother began but the rest of the noise was cut off by the closing of the door.  Liberty let her eyes travel along the edges of the room when something caught her off guard; it was her doll, which was sitting in the corner of the room in a chair face down.  Her mother had brought it with her hoping to surprise her. Liberty jumped off the large white bed and landed on the floor, the tube yanked out of her arm in the process.  She grabbed the nearest shiny thing in view which happened to be a pair of scissors and walked over to the doll, the long white hospital gown dragging along the floor as she moved.  She reached the doll and sat it up right so she could get a view of her beady little eyes.

     “You like eyes, well here you go.” The girl muttered bitterly and plunged the tip into the doll’s left black plastic eye.

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