MARI Headcanons

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-Straight, but supports :D

-Kel literally blabbered about everything to Mari, Mari just sat there and listened

-Is def a spirit just watching everyone and checking on how they're doing

-Knew all the tea on the whole group-

-Purple friendship bracelet

-While a spirit, she tries to stop things from happening but it's not possible because she can't touch anything (ex. Aubrey pushing Basil into the water- she tried to catch him)

-When members of the group begin crying she starts to cry as well, but wipes away her tears and tries to reach out to them and comfort them

-After the bad ending, Mari would be so emotional. She would meet Sunny's spirit and just stay with him the whole time, hugging him. She watched as their friends grew into sad states and felt so bad.

-After Sunny told the truth, Mari would gather around Sunny and Basil and try to comfort them. She was proud that he finally admitted what had happened, and began checking on the others while she could. She watched them and knew that they would eventually become closer again, just as they always did.

-Used to laugh at Kel and Aubrey's dumb little fights,  and still does-

-Happy that Aubrey dyed her hair pink just like she said she would. She would have dyed her hair with Aubrey if the incident didn't happen.

-Most of her food tasted like absolute heaven. 🔥

-Always shows up to the groups birthday parties (she's a spirit, she has all the time in the world ‼️)

Mari is so SILLYYY!! :3

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