1.The news.

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Bakugou Katsuki has bullied Izuku midoryia for a long time now and he has never been stopped because of one fact.

Izuku Midoriya is Quirkless .

That's right that one fact would make people join the bullying instead of stopping it. Now both Midoriya and Bakugou are going to two different highschools. Midoriya was going to UA and Bakugou was going... somewhere.  One day during highschool Bakugou was going to his seat when he felt more  eyes on him than usual... there be 4 or 6 people looking at him since he never talked to anyone... he hated his past and wanted no one to find about it... he himself wanted to forget it believe that his past was something else that he wasn't a big dumb bully. as he sat two "extras" as bakugou called them stood right infront of him.

"What do you want" bakugou groaned he just wanted school to be over.
then he felt a hand slap his cheek.
"What was that for!?" he yelled.
"Your a stupid bully!" one yelled back.
and now everyone was joining and argeeing with him.
but Bakugou didn't have time for that. he couldn't care less right now one thing was on his mind...

How did they find out..

and that was he was going to learn... one girl shoved a picture of him bullying Midoryia.. it was posted by someone named Ochako Uraraka with her phone number there for even more details... Bakugou wasn't living in a place where they hated quirkless... it was a place where most people were quirkless a place they would have ran to. He exploded the people's faces as he ran off only a few dumb enough to follow him.

What is such a bully doing here?'

He heard everything now everything he was trying to hide just came out  before he could finish calling the person someone turned him around and punched him." That's what bullies like you deserve!" he had no time for this. he exploded them and they had started bleeding while they ran around screaming bakugou ran away.. now he could call this Uraraka...

"Hello? Are you here for details of that stupid bakugou guy?"
bakugou felt anger rise in him... but he deserved it didn't he?
"How did you find out about this?" Bakugou said trying to ease his anger
" That was simple a truth quirk got hit on the guy he was  bullying and he spilled all about his past then one of his former classmates said that had pictures to prove it!"
"okay.." bakugou was super super angry...

What was he going to do now?

authors note:

Hey everyone liking the book so far?
i just came back from happiness and now i decided to make a book for you bkdk fans but can i get a favor?
my friend ZozoJacksoni has a discord server and i would love it if you guys join
my discord name is: KcatLol 2.0 #9890 orginally known as kcatlol#9890
Ty for your time

only 502 words

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